Chapter 3

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Alfred p.o.v:

I was walking, when I saw that kid. I wonder what a little girl is doing here...

I turned and saw her looking at me, I looked away from her facing the lady next to me.

I said " I hope you enjoy being here, my lady.... Lona "

This lady who's older than me, smiled and said " you're pretty young, are sure you want to get married?"

I said " well, if it's you then I wouldn't mind, my lady "

She smirked and said " well, it's very bad that I'm 26 and you're 17, but you're very handsome... I wouldn't mind being with you.... You stole my heart "

She put her hand on my face and comes closer, that's when a maid come in and put the tea on the table, I moved a little bit.

She said, giggling " you're pretty shy, huh? "

I looked at her while coming closer to her. I held her face and touched her hair, then whispered in her ears " I'm not shy at all. I didn't want them to look at you in wrong way"

She was a bit surprised, then she smiled and said " OH, so you care for me.."

She stands up and walks into the window looking at the flowers there, she smells them " I thought, you care only about my money "

I looked at her and she said " well, I'm just kidding. Besides, it's not a bad thing: I give you money and you give me the fun, what do you say?" she smirked.

I walked to her, holding her from the back and said " good idea. Well, it's a deal "

She smirked and said " you're a bad boy, huh... well, I like that. However, I have to go now. We can play after marriage. I have to go for now, goodbye, Mister Alfred "

" I will see you again, miss Lona"

She smiled and walked away.

Then my butler came and said " sir, are you sure about this? She is really a bad lady, she only wants your family name and your body "

I said "it's fine. I also only want her money "

I sat down and had some tea, then asked him " Mr Tom, I saw a kid in the house earlier today "

He said " oh right, master remembers that old man who said he is looking for a job for his granddaughter? She is his granddaughter "

" I see " I replied

" If you don't want her here, we can deport her"

"No, no need "

He said " it's rare for you to give attention to maids "

" Well... I wonder what kind of kid is she... "

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