chapter 34

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Alfred p.o.v:

I forcefully kissed her.

She was moving around, trying to get away from me.

But not this time...

I tightened my grip even more, as I continued to kiss her.

I can feel her Tremble, I like the way she is scared of me.

I don't mind it, not even a bit.

I stared at her, eyes while I kissed her. Making avoiding any eye contact; impossible at the moment.

She always avoids it.

Today, she'll have to stare at me, and only me.

I afterwards stopped from kissing her, and I slowly moved away from her.

A smirk drawing on my face. She stared at me with both hatred and...... Disgusted eyes?

Why does she refuse me that much?!

It's irritating me, yet making me more interested in her.

" Master... you're hurting me! " She said with more fear appearing in her eyes. Perhaps, I was so into my thoughts, that I actually gripped her even more.

Leaving a red mark, in her wrists.

I slowly let go of her.

She turned around, and quickly tried to open the door.

But I put my hand on the door, making it unable to open.

I slowly whispered in her ears.

" You'll never be able to run away from me " I moved my hand from the door.

Letting her be able to open it.

She ran away.

No matter where you run, I'll always find you.

Alexandra p.o.v:

That man is crazy!!

A total mad person.

I wiped my mouth, feeling disgusted.

Just because he has money and power--- no, he has everything.

But he can't have everything he wants.

I don't and won't, let him have me...

I'm not from those girls he can buy, I'm not like that...

I should just continue my work.

I'll... find a solution for this...

I was thinking too deeply, that I actually didn't see that Mister Edward is standing in front of me.

" Alex " he stared at me with a smile.

" ..... I have to work now, excuse me " yes, he's just like him. I've to avoid him...

" Wait, Alex! ! " He garbed my hand.

The look on his face, turned from placid to grumpiness.

His blue calm eyes, became bleak and lighter.

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