Characters pictures

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Hello guys :) It's been a while, isn't?
Hope you all lovelies are doing great.

First and foremost, I want to thank all of those who not only read my book, but actually enjoyed it, and thank you for the feedback. Also, a huge THANKS for those who commented and said they liked/enjoyed it. It means a lot to me.

So, I was thinking maybe I should add pictures of the characters of " you're mine" and decided to add them. Although, originally, I was against it, because I think imagination is much better. So, I wanted the readers to imagine the characters however they like, not based on a picture I showed. Still, some of you might actually prefer pictures.

So, I hopped to something called google and searched for some pictures that may be similar to what I imagined the characters to be. Thankfully, I did manage to find some.

Oh, by the way, don't ask for the name of the original people in the pictures, because I don't know most of them. I picked them randomly based on their looks.

Here they're~~



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Lady Lona

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Lady Lona

Lady Lona

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Lord Sam

Lord Sam

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The maid Serena

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The maid Serena

The butler, Tom

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The butler, Tom

I hope you like them, let me know how did you find them

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I hope you like them, let me know how did you find them. Also, if you have any suggestions instead, I would love to hear all your thoughts.

Thank you for your time, take care! ❤️

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