chapter 14

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Hi there, sorry for late update. I will make it up to you by letting you choose how many times I should update in a week/two weeks and the day too. Just tell me and I will see what I can do, alright? I'll leave you now with the story 😃
Alfred p.o.v :

" You must die!! Just die! You're not worth living. You're not worth breathing!! You're nothing but pathetic, DIE " He said, strangling me very hard. His eyes were red, his hands were strong. He was breathing heavily.

" You took her away from me..." a tear fell down from his eye, as he strangled harder.

I couldn't breath.

" Let go ...." I said, begging looking at those: cold, red eyes, staring at me and feeling dizzy.

" Please ....father " I said while everything went black.

I heard voice last time " die ... "

" No! " I yelled.

A sweat drops falling from my forehead .

" A dream? " I thought, holding my head not feeling alright. Not even a bit .

" Oh, my !! What's wrong, my dear? you were having a nightmare? " said Lona, whom were sleeping next to me .

She putted her hand around my back " are you alright? "

" Yes, I'm fine " I said while breathing deeply and heavily.

" It's just a nightmare ...."

After that, I couldn't go back to sleep. For many reasons. I was able to make my lady sleep.

While I kept staring outside the window, drinking a red wine until the morning.

" Good morning, Master " the maids greeted me as I walked to the living room .

I sat down, noticing that that boy isn't here.

" He's probably still asleep, master " Said Mr Tom. Perhaps, he has noticed that .

I started to drink my coffee very slowly. I wasn't in rush. Also, I was waiting for that brat to show.

Here she is. She walked to the table, putting on the extra things to make the table look more fancy with more food. Thought, I barely touch any of it, expect the coffee.

She put them quickly, and pull her heads up. That's when our eyes met. I kept staring at hers. Her brown beautiful eyes.

She quickly looked away, heading to the door to leave.

" Wait, you didn't ask if that's all what Master wants? " said Mr Tom with serious face, and slightly angry tone .

She slowly turned to face me. As she asked, looking at the ground .

" Is there's anything else you need . Master? "

" Nothing else. You May leave " I said with cold voice.

She left walking fast .

After she left, a smirk appeared on my face. She's really interesting .

" Darling " my lady lona entered the room with a cheerful appearance, no need to mention the red lipstick. It does suit Her.

" I need to get back to my house there are some things I need to take care of " she said, drinking a cup of tea, looking at me .

" I see " I said with coldness, not really interested in what she does.

" Oh my dear don't be sad, I'll be back soon " she said giving me a quick kiss on the lips " I'll go get ready " she says walking to the door " oh I almost forgot please take care of Edward until I'm back " she smirked walking out .

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