chapter 8

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Wow, I can't actually believe that I'm updating. I honestly thought this story was lame, and no one would ever like to read it! But they Did :) So, I'll continue and for the second time, please tell me if I should continue writing or just quit, enjoy.


Alfred p.o.v:

I can't believe I'm actually at a party, a party where I'm supposed to tell people that I'm willing to marry an older rich woman. How unsatisfying. But, I've no other choice.

Other men consider me lucky. I've a big house, rich and willing to marry a beautiful, attractive adult woman, then why I don't feel like I'm? I'm looking at that young brat, again.

She seems to be getting mature. I know I should given more attention to my party and the guests, but I'm not.

Suddenly, I heard a Mr tom voice " Master, it's the time "

Walking slowly in the middle of that crowd, I - raising the my voice a bit to get them attention- said " I would like to let you all know, that I'm getting married " I slowly turned to look at my fiancée, who was already smiling at me.

I continued " after two weeks from now with my fiancée " I heard once again, the noises of people talking and clapping... so annoying.

Alexandra p.o.v:

I'm working in the house as usual, with one different thing there's a party here. I can hear the maids chattering, they say it's a party for my master and his fiancée.

He's going to tell them the wedding date. I found it so cute, they're extremely suitable.

Finishing my work, I looked at the master who was saying that he'll be getting married. I smiled as I heard a voice behind me.

" So they are getting married " I turned to see a young handsome boy, around age of 14. He's so handsome with a blue eyes, and blonde hair: even at my age, I can see that.

He looked at me, then smiled " hello, little girl. What are you doing here? "

Getting surprised - because he actually talked to me- I answered " I work here "

He smiled again, and said " you're too young to work here "

I shook my head, I honestly didn't think so.

" Come with me, I'll show you something " he started to walk, and I followed him.

I know I shouldn't, but I'm curious girl and I finished my job. I ended up finding myself in the garden: My favourite place.

I heard a voice calling " over here " I looked up to see him on the tree.

" come " he said, giving me a hand to climb the tree.

As I sit there, he said to me " look at the sky " I looked to see a beautiful stars shining, making the sky looking so beautiful.

" Wow..." is the only thing I could say.

" I thought you would like to see this more than that boring party " He smiled to me, with his blue eyes shining just like the stars.

I smiled as well and said " thank you..."

He was about to say something, but we heard the maid calling for me.

" Alex... Alex... ALEX COME HERE WE NEED YOU! "

Jumping to the ground, I ran fast to her, but before that I turned to the boy and said " thank you! Goodbye " I could see him smiling for me...

Alfred p.o.v:

The party has finished, almost everyone went home after congratulating me, and my fiancee.

In the end, there were only me, her and a little boy: who just showed up- he has blue eyes, and blonde hair- left.

As I heard my lady " This is my dear cousin, he's a very important person to me "

Smirking, she asked him to introduce himself properly, he said " hello, nice to meet you. I'm Edward..."

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