chapter 22

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Alfred p.o.v:

I was sitting down, reading one of my favourite books and drinking some coffee.

After that, I've decided to go and see how's work doing here nowadays. I was checking on everything, even from far when I wasn't here. But now since I'm here, I've to go and see how is it, personally.

I was walking into the door and saw a guy with brown ash hair. I don't remember seeing him back five years ago, so I suppose he's new.

I looked at him more, I've come to notice that he's one of Alexandra friends, that she were sitting with: in the garden.

" Mr Tom, who's that?" I asked Mr Tom, who were accompanying me to the front door.

" That's one of the workers, Master " said Mr Tom.

" He works Mostly in stable with horses " he continued.

" I see " Was the only thing I replied with.

I finished sooner than I thought.

" Welcome home, Master " said the maids as I walked in the house.

As I walked in, I heard that brat talking with Mr Tom about going to the town.

I really didn't like the idea of her leaving the Mansion.

Soon, I hear her speaking; she said she'll be going with her friends, including that worker.

I cannot allow that.

I've called her. Slowly, she walked to me looking scared. I really like the way she's scared of me.

I pretended not to know what she said to Mr Tom, and asked her where she's going?

She told me She's going with her friend and that worker.

" Jack you say..." I said quietly, feeling angry.

" You'll clean the library " I gave her mission to do.

I know very clearly that the library is clean. That's just an excuse to stop her from going.

She tried to say no, but that wouldn't work since I've already decided: she won't be going anywhere.

Feeling sad and scared, she walked off to her friend saying that's she's not going. Only to come back, walking to the library.

= = = =

I walked in the library while she was cleaning.

Step by step, I walked towards her.

I could see her shaking, yet trying to hold herself.

Is she really thinking that I won't notice?

That idiot brat...

" Are you scared? " I asked, looking at her from the top to the bottom.

Her body has really grown in so damn good way.

" No...." she replied, cleaning, pretending to not be scared nor nervous.

She's really bad at acting.

I moved toward her. Step by step, until I reached her.

I put my hands on her: one holding her back and the other on her face.

I could feel her fear. The way she trembled and I could smell her scent.

She smells wonderful.

" Too bad..." I whispered in her ear.

" Master, what are you doing!!? " She said, getting scared.

" So, you are scared?" I smirked. I know she was lying.

" Stop trying to tease me! Please... I'm not a little girl, anymore " she said, trying to get away from me.

So, she isn't a little girl anymore...

" So you're not a little girl, anymore?." I said, looking at her with a cold voice.

" Yes, so you should stop---" I didn't let her finish her words.

I pinned her to the wall.

" Well, that's good " I smirked

" No reason to hold back, anymore " I whispered to her, getting closer.

The only reason made me stop was because she was still young. But since she isn't anymore, there's no reason for that anymore.

" Master, you are married!! " She said to me.

" And so? " The fact that I was married, was never something that made me hold back.

I can see how much she was shocked, she pushed me and ran away.

It's alright, I'll let her leave for now. We Still have plenty of time to play, Alexandra.

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