Chapter 1

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I held the hand of my old man very tightly...

He said with a smile " we arrived "

I looked at him, and said " I don't want to go there"

He said, " but we have to sweetheart "

We knocked the door and someone opened it: it was a butler with a good appearance.

He asked " how can I help you? "

My old man said "I'm here for the job "

The butler replied " oh right, well, come on in "

We walked in, it's really a huge house!!

Suddenly, a maid came to us and asked " oh, so this is the kid? "

My old man answered " yes "

She said " Alright, you can go now "

I said " what? No, don't go! And leave me, please... "

He said " I have to. You have to work hard, okay? Do your best. You know that my health isn't good, plus I can no longer feed you... so please take care of yourself "

I felt so sad and he hugged me really tight, then walked away, before he's gone, he smiled gently, looking at me as tears went down my face...

The maid said " enough crying, follow me "

I followed her to a room where she brings to me some clothes: maid clothes, but none of them fits me.

She said " oh, fine. Stay with your clothes until we find you clothes that are your size "

I nodded my head.

She asked " well, what's your name and age? "

I answered" Alexandra... I'm 11 years old "

She said " pretty young hmm, well, Alexandra, from now on you're a maid in this house... no you're more like a slave!! Since you sleep and eat here. You're so young, so you won't take money until the end of the year. Also, you won't leave this house... only if it's necessary. Got it? It was a request from your grandfather. Until you are in the right age or if you get fired "

I said, nodding " yes"

She took me to another room, and said " this is your room "

I looked at it. Wow... better than I thought. It was nicer than my old one in hundreds time.

At that time, we heard a voice " its master, he is here " She said, then ran quickly to the door where all the maids and butlers were standing.

I stood beside them, when I saw a handsome boy with a cold look in his eyes, coming with a beautiful woman.

The maids and butlers said " welcome back, sir! "

He didn't say anything and walked along with that woman. Suddenly, he looked at me and our eyes met.

Whoa, what a scary look...

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