chapter 15

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Alfred p.o.v :

" leaving you say ..."

I said to her with cold gaze .

Leaving this house, was something I didn't plan nor expect.

" Yes " she said, calmly .

" I'll be thinking about it " I replied, even calmer .

" There is no time for thinking, Dear. This is a serious matter " she replied, raising her voice a bit .

" If we leave to that city. I'll be able to help you with my money, as we agreed "

She paused for sigh, then continued " however, If we stay here doing nothing, even if I gave you all my money, it won't help. Especially that the work isn't going well those days "

" As I said: I'll think about it " I replied to her, but this time with cold voice, that made her stop the conversation from going any longer.


It's almost midnight.

Perhaps, lady Lona is asleep or waiting for me.

While I was walking around the house.

On my way, I passed by that brat's room, I slowly opened the door. I don't really know what I'm doing. All I know is: I have to see her.

I walked closer to the bed. Is she asleep? I looked at it. She isn't here.

Where could she possibly be? With that boy...

At this hour!

I got a bit angry, with all those thoughts in my head.

The only thing that can calm me down, is a drink.

I went to warehouse, which is in the house kitchen. The house kitchen is pretty big.

I could have went to my room, but the last thing I want to see is that woman face.

Also, the living room is somehow far from where I'm standing, and the kitchen is nearby. Not to mention that all the best wine, is in the warehouse.

I walked in, only to see that brat there.

Alexandra p.o.v:

All maids finished cleaning.

So did I. I was so tried. Right now, I want to sleep and hug the pillow: feeling the comfort.

I did so... but something unexpected happens.

I... I'm hungry!

Yes, I just remembered that I didn't have dinner.

So, slowly, I walked out of my room to the kitchen, and my mind has one thing on it's...


I jumped on the food. I was starving!!

I ate so much, that my stomach right now is looking like a huge ball.

Good thing the maids didn't throw what've been left of the food.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps.

Who could be up at this time?

I looked at the person who's coming.

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