chapter 13

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Alfred p.o.v :

I woke up before my lady, and made my way to the bathroom, taking a long relaxing bath .

That woman is definitely wild . I finished and put a towel around .

I, then walked to the closet and got my clothes to get changed. That's when she woke up.

" ahhh, good morning " she said with a smirk.

" Good morning, my lady " I replied coldly, staring at my clothes.

" You went to bath already?" She walked towards me, hugging from behind and whispered " I thought we could have one together "

This woman doesn't get enough, does she?

" too bad I've things to take care of, my lady" I smirked

" besides, we still have guests " I started to change, while she moved her hands and body away.

" I thought they left already " she said, sitting on the bed, crossing her legs .

" Your cousin is still here " I said, starting to put on clothes.

She looked at me and said " ahhh... you mean Edward?"

She smirked "he isn't a guest "

So he isn't? that much he's close to her ... I wonder what kind of cousin he is.

" I'm going to take a bath, want to watch? " she winked.

" No " I Replied, coldly.

" So boring " she said, frowning then smiled and sent me a flying Kiss, as she entered the bathroom. What a woman .

I walked to the living room, where the breakfast was ready. Sitting down, only to see that little boy sitting there. He looked at me in the eyes.

I didn't speak nor gave him questions. It was all calm and quiet.

Mr Tom has come, he asked " how was your knight, master. Hopefully, you had a good sleep. We have made everything as you asked us to, including the room "

" Yes--" I were cutted by that little boy.

" No. I'm sure he didn't get that at all, especially with that wild woman " he said with a grin on his face.

This cousin is surely close to her, maybe... more than it should be.

" Mr Edward, how dare you speak like that?! " said Mr Tom, with a bit of anger.

" He's right, " I replied calmly, drinking my coffee.

" Ah... But master..." said Mr Tom.

" It's alright " I said and smirked to Edward, who looked at me with a smirk too.

" Anything else you need, master " said Mr Tom, as that little brat, Alexandra, walked in with extra things to put on the large table.

" Nothing " I replied, drinking the coffee, taking glances over her. She seems to be grown up a bit.

I saw her smiling to that little boy, I didn't like the way he looked at her. Matter of fact, I don't like that boy at all.

She looked at me nervously, then she walked away back to her job. I see that she is still scared. I still like it.

" You like her don't you? " Said that boy.

I stayed silent, then smirked to him, but this time with a cold stare.

" It has nothing to do with you " I replied with cold attend.

" My, my, you started without me? " Said my lady, walking around with new clothes and red lipstick. She isn't looking bad at all.

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