chapter 41

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Alexandra p.o.v:

No matter how many times, I ask him to stop... He doesn't.

I tried to stop him...

But he didn't stop.

He kept on kissing me, and touching me all over my body.

I feel dirty.

I tried to hold my tears, as I kept on pushing him away.

He finally stopped .

He looked at me with his cold eyes.

But this time, I didn't avoid his eyes.

Instead, I looked at him with eyes full with hatred.

He pressed his thumb on my jaw, parting my lips.

He smirked and said " you can hate me as much you want. In the end, Hate is just another kind of caring "

I bit his finger that was on my jaw, Until it started to bleed, glaring at him.

He was surprised at first, then smirked more.

He said " see... this prove my words "

He licked his finger and moved from the bed, walking to the door.

He stared at me once again, before closing it.

I hugged my kneels .

I wish this is just a nightmare...

A nightmare that'll end soon.

And everything will be back as the way it was...

Alfred p.o.v :

" Master, what happened to your finger? " Mr Tom asked me.

" I've been bitten by a little cat, that's all " I said, calmly.

" Master..." said Mr Tom with serious expression, " how long you attend to do this? " he asked seriously, yet respectfully.

" As long as I want to " I replied him calmly, again.

" But master, this is unacceptable! " he said, raising his voice a bit.

Then he pouted, and said " you're a well known man, it's would be an unpleasant thing if people know what you're doing, besides you're a married man "

" Married man? You clearly know that this marriage was only a deal. Besides, the woman you're talking about, you really expect her to be a lady who'll get enough with one man: her husband? " I said to him, while reading one of my books.

" I know that the mistress is probably having affairs as well, but it's a different from what you're doing " he said.

" I see no difference " I said to him.

" She doesn't want you " he demurred.

I looked at him with a serious face, then smirked.

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