chapter 30

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First of all, wow! I reached chapter 30!? I never thought that I'll so thank you guys for supporting!! And am so glad that you like my story I hope you have fun reading it! 😊😘🌼


Alfred p.o.v:

That brat, where is she? She didn't appear for a while.

" Oh, my. Darling! Are you searching for me? " Asked my lady Lona, holding my arm.

" Indeed " I said, coldly. I haven't even noticed that she wasn't here.

" Oh, my. That's so sweet of you, darling " she held my arm tightly.

I suddenly saw Lord Sam walking with us.

" I hope you're enjoying here this night at my humble party " he said, as he reached us.

" Of course we do, right darling? " She smiled to me, and I nodded.

" So lovely. It's rare to see such a loving couple like you " He smirked.

" I'm so envious of you, Mr Alfred. Having such a beautiful wife " he grinned, kissing her hand.

" You can have her " I said, looking at him.

My lady Lona was shocked, she opened her eyes Wide.

" D--Darling! " She laughed awkwardly, and smiled, " don't joke like that! "

I heard Lord Sam laughing loudly " you have such an awful sense of humour, as always, Mr Alfred " he smirked.

I smirked as well, drinking some of the red wine.

I wasn't joking.

I would have said that, but I didn't.

" I'll leave you two gentlemen alone " lady Lona said, walking away from us to a group of women, talking with them.

" You really dislike her, don't you? " He said, drinking some wine.

" More than you think " I said, looking around secretly, not to grab attention.

" Looking for your beloved maid? " He asked with an evil grin.

I smirked " that has nothing to do with you, Mr Sam "

" So rude, like usual " he laughed, shrugging.

" Nothing about you has changed, ever since you were young " he said, glancing at Me.

" You're wrong " I stared at him with a cold look in my eyes.

" You're right, you've just become like him " he Said, his face changed from calm and smiling, into angry and disgusted.

" Well, I'll go check my other guests " he said, walking off.

" And if you're looking for your beloved maid, she is in the verandah "

I stared at him for a moment.

I walked to the verandah, where I found that brat looking at the sky with a sad face?

" So, you're here " I said, walking to her.

She looked surprised, she stared at me nervously " Master..." she said looking at me.

As I reached her, I moved my hand to touch her face, she started shaking.

Am I that scary?

That's good...

I held her face tightly, and pulled her to my side.

" Master, what are you doing here?! " She tried to get away, but she couldn't. As I held her forcefully.

" You can't run away from me" I whispered in her ear.

She is looking nice today.

I smelled her neck, and she struggled: trying to get away.

" Darling " I suddenly heard a voice, so, I let go of her.

" Here you are! " My lady Lona said. She walked to me.

" I'm really tired, can we go back now? " She hugged me tightly, glancing at my eyes.

" Sure " I said as I walked with her, leaving that brat staring at us from the back, with eyes full of fear.

                           = = = =

We are back at the mansion.

That boy Edward, was walking with that brat.

But they aren't talking.

That's suspicious...

I went with my lady lona to my room. Well, our room. As she fell asleep.

I walked into the hallway.

I passed by that brat's room.

I stopped for a second, then opened the door slowly.

She also fell asleep.

I touched her face and hair, watching her sleep.

I don't know why I'm so attracted to her.



I leaned down; I wanted to kiss her.

That's when I stopped, and stood up, walking out of the door; closing it, slowly.

I prefer to do that, while she's awake and aware of it.

I want to see the fear in her eyes.

" You should stop being a bad Master " said Edward, looking at me.

I smirked, not replying to him.

" I won't allow you to have her " he said, with a serious face.

" Then stop me, if you can " I said to him with and evil smirk; as I continued walking.

Nobody can take what belongs to me. She belongs to me. That brat Alexandra.... Is mine.

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