chapter 20

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Alfred p.o.v:

It's been five years since I left the my mansion. I know all the know that, Mr Tom have been taking good care of it .

" Darling, we almost arrived " said my lady lona .

I've managed to keep our marriage and the business in good condition.

After all, this was our deal . She wants my body and I want her money . Fair enough, right?

Thought, I really dislike this woman.

" Oh, my, everything is the same as we left it! " Said lady Lona, as we entered the house.

" Welcome back, master " said Mr Tom greeting me .

" Thank you, Mr Tom " I said to him .

I looked around at the place for a moment searching for someone, but I was already amazed when I did .

That brat has grown up in... extremely good way!

I kept staring at her for moments, she looked.... Beautiful. Well, she has always been beautiful .

I gave her a smirk and I can see how scared she is, she surely didn't change after all...

I walked to the living room, where me and my lady lona sat .

" Darling, as you wished from before. We are back here, but don't you think that place in London was way too better? " She said, drinking tea, which was made for us .

" I don't think so, my lady " I said coldly, drinking some of the tea.

" Ahh, darling, shouldn't we rest . It's been a long way " she said, getting up .

" No. I'm fine, you go first and I'll come after, when I feel tired " I explained.

" As you wish, my dear " she smiled in a sexy way, then left to our room . That woman still the same as always.

I looked above the window.

I saw that brat... is she even a brat anymore?

Well, she was sitting along with a girl and guy. So, she made some friends I suppose? Though... I dislike the fact she's a friend with a guy, but it has nothing to do with me... at least not for now .

Looks like she's still hard working as before. Her behaviours are the same .

At the dinner time: me and my lady Lona, Sat on the table.

Lady lona was talking about making a small party, since we've been back. Though, I didn't care about it . So, my only reply was " do as you wish "

Women like her only think of their position and those stuff such as: parties and celebrations.

She can do all she wants, as long it doesn't affect me in a negative way .

" Oh my, Dear husband, Shouldn't you give more attention to your poor wife? " She said with a fake - act of sadness and a frown.

" Forgive me, my madame, but I'm listening . Aren't I? " I said to her coldly, with none attention at all .

" Yes, but you still cold as ever " she smirked.

" Well, that's exactly what I like about you, my dear " she winked.

This woman she really likes to play a lot, in many ways . Simply, she is dangerous and knows exactly how to use her mind .

I stayed silent, not caring to talk . As that brat entered, she looked nervous .

I can see that she's trying so hard to not show that .

She dropped something under the table. From my side .

As she got down, I kept staring at her . I didn't let my eyes get away from her .

It's really surprising me how much she had grown . Her body has become a woman's body .

She seems to notice that I'm looking at her, because she began to shake with a nervous look .

For the second time, I smirked to her .

She quickly put the rest of the food on the table, and excused us to leave .

" Isn't that girl... is that little girl who used to work here? " Asked my lady Lona.

" I suppose " I replied, coldly .

" I see . Well, she's really grown up. Isn't? " She smirked, looking at me .

I wonder what's going on that woman's mind. That devilish woman .

Late at night . I was walking in the hallway. Only to suddenly see that brat walking too.

As soon as she sees me she walks quickly, trying not to make an eye contact with me.

When she passed by my side, I said- almost whispering " You have really grown-up "

I can see how much that shocked her, she remained silent, not moving from her place.

" In a very good way too " I turned to look at her .

She started to run . I didn't bother to run after her .

I grinned afterwards . She's really interesting, isn't she.....

You can run, as long you want, but you can never hide from me, or leave me .

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