Chapter 17

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Alfred p.o.v:

" So, what's your decision, dear? " She said drinking coffee, while looking at me.

" I agree " I said, drinking mine as well.

" Really?! " She put her coffee on the table, with a surprised look over her face.

" Yes, but...." I said, looking at her.

" But, What dear? " She questioned.

" We'll be back as soon as the business gets better " I gave her a serious look.

" That's fine by me " she smirked.

Later, after two hours ~

" Is everything ready master?" Mr Tom asked me, with his face looking a bit sad.

" Yes, Mr Tom " I answered simply.

" Master, do you really have to do th..." He questioned, but I cut his words.

" Yes, I must " I answered him.

" Well, I wish you the very best! Master " he said with tone full with respect.

" Thank you, Mr Tom " I thanked him

" I'll be going now " I said, walking to the front door everyone: maids, butlers and other works, were standing there wishing for me a safe trip, I said to Mr Tom " I'll be leaving the house in your care "

I looked around and I saw that brat standing there. I smirked at her.

" You can count on me! Master. I'll make sure that everything is to your liking " Mr tom, replied.

I continued walking outside the house, I reached my lady Lona. I took one last glance at the house, before going. I'll be back soon...

Alexandra p.o.v:

The master is leaving. Along with lady Lona, and also Edward. I'm really going to miss his playing on the piano, the music and the sound he makes is unforgettable!!

Thought.... I'm relieved that master is leaving.

I shouldn't wish that, but he... he is scaring me!

I walked in the hallway, that's where I saw lady Lona.

She smiled to me, she's so beautiful!

But she wasn't alone, Edward was there too.

" I'll be going first. Edward, my dear, Don't be late. You'll be going to your house. Both your parents are waiting for you " she said, then started to walk away.

" So, you aren't going to leave with them? " I asked him.

" Of course not. I was here only to spend a few days. I wasn't going to stay even if they didn't leave " he answered me.

" Oh, I see " I said then smiled.

" I wish best of luck for you! Mister Edward "

He chuckled and said " same for you, miss Alex " he kissed my hand.

" Ahh, what are you doing? " I moved my hand.

" You should not do that! "

" My, my, I'm sorry " he said, laughing.

I laughed afterwards." I hope to see you soon " he smiled to me as he walked away. I smiled as well.

It's time. Master, will be leaving soon. All maids, butlers and workers too gathered to say goodbye to master, standing on both sides of the wall with respect position. I did the same. I'm a maid too.

I looked at master walking to the door, he turned and looked at me smirking at me. It made me feel uneasy....

" Have a safe trip " maids and butlers wished for him a safe trip, and he left.

I wonder how the life is going to be without a master. I really do...


Hi guys. I'm so sorry for short chapter! I'll be updating again very soon, so don't worry. I hope you enjoy my writing ~

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