Chapter 40

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Alexandra p.o.v :

" Please, don't hurt him..." I said to master, crying, as he rode the horse.

I kept on begging him all the way to mansion...

But he never listened to me!!

What is this man? this cruel heartless man!!

At first, I thought master was a good person...

But after all what he did, he's the worst!!!

I hate him...

I truly hate him!!!

" Let me go!! " I said while he pulled me from my arm.

He opened the door of my room, and threw me there.

He walked to me, as he squeezed my face.

" Didn't I tell you to be quite? " he glared at me with his cold eyes while he squeezed more.

" If you ever think of running away again, I'll make sure you'll really regret it " he said angrily, looking at my eyes.

I started to shiver, tears kept falling from my eyes.

" Perhaps, I'll even kill that guy if you do..." He smirked evilly. He kept staring at me with his cold eyes...

I know very clearly that...

He isn't lying.

" Please, don't hurt him... I won't go anywhere " I said, quietly to him.

" So, you love him? Such pity because the only person you belong to is me " he whispered to my ear, deeply.

" Now, be good girl " he pulled me close to him and tired to kiss me.

I tried to push him away, memories from what happened before rushed to my mind.

I started to shake, he stared at me then grinned.

He knew I was scared of him...

Yet, he didn't care!!

He kissed me deeply, then stopped and walked to the door.

I felt scared!!

I couldn't do anything... I couldn't stop him!!

" Remember to who you belong " he looked at me one last time, before walking out.

I heard the door close with key.

I stared to cry again, hugging my knees.

Why am I so hopeless? so scared? so....

Why? If it was any other person, I would've fought.

But master...

The way he look, the way he act, the way he talk, the strength he have...

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