chapter 25

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Alfred p.o.v:

" You worthless trash, die already!! "

" Why don't you die.... Just like she died... it has been all your fault.... ALL YOUR FAULT!! "

" I wasn't, father... father!! "

I woke up in a flash. Wait, it was that dream, again.

A sweat drop fell from my forehead.

Looks like those nightmares won't stop any sooner.

I looked around to see the place empty. Where is my lady Lona?

It doesn't matter.

I walked straight to the bathroom. Washing myself with cold water. Letting the drops of the water refresh my mind.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel covering my lower part, and another towel on my head while I looked from the window with a glass of red wine in one of my hands, and the other holding the towel on my head as I dried my total wet hair.

Suddenly, I heard a sound of knocking on the door.

" Master, there is someone important waiting for yo--- " the maid opened the door in a rush, but became shocked. She looked at me with full open eyes, and blush on her face.

" I'm very sorry, master " the maid apologized embarrassed, she walked away in a hurry.

I didn't care much about it.

I wore my clothes immediately before I walked out of my room. I wonder who's the important guest?

I suddenly heard the maid that just came out of my room talking to other maids.

" Oh my god! I saw master half naked, and he is so, so, so handsome! And sexy "

I should stop hiring maids from those kinds.

Unexpectedly, I saw that brat standing there.

I walked passing by her side, and whispered to her.

" Why are you standing here? Do you wish you'd been in her place at that moment? "

She was shocked when she noticed me.

" M-Master... of course not!! " She said, stepping away from me.

I smirked and walked away from her.

I honestly like how she still acts like a little girl. Her actions and behaviours are interesting.

" Master, there's someone waiting for you " Mr Tom said.

" And who is that person? " I asked, calmly.

" He is the Lord Sam. He's inside: in the living room, with the lady Lona " he explained.

" I see " I replied, simply.

As soon as I walked inside, I heard a lot of laughs.

Looks like they are having fun.

" Oh darling! You woke up " said lady Lona, smiling to me.

" Good morning, Mr Alfred " said Lord Sam.

" Your wife is extremely beautiful, and have a good sense of humour too" he smirked.

" My, my. You're the one with the charming speech " she replied to him.

They seem to be agreeing well.

" Well, good morning for you as well " I said to him, coldly.

" I didn't expect that you'll Visit us this early. However, you are welcomed at any time " I said to him.

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