Chapter 45

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Alexandra p.o.v:

"Where am I? " I said, looking around.

I found myself in a large garden.

A garden full with beautiful flowers, and roses.

Suddenly, I saw a bright, beautiful light...

I wanted to follow it.

So, I slowly walked to it...

But there was a voice calling me.

It was a deep voice, that kept on whispering my name...

"Alexandra ~ "

"Alexandra ~ "

I turned my head, to see who it was.

It was master...

But his voice wasn't cruel or cold.

It wasn't scary.

It was brittle...

As if he was deeply hurt, and damaged.

He looked at me for a while, then opened his hand toward me.

" Alexandra..."he said my name, one more time.

But I didn't walk to him, I walked toward the light, but I kept on turning my head, and looking.

When I almost reached the light.

I saw the place where master stood on fire.

The master was burning.

But he didn't move.

Nor said anything, just stood there staring at me...

With sad eyes.

Master is danger.



" Alexandra... " he said one last time...

Before I...

" Wake up, Alex!! " Said the maid Serena, waking me up.

So, I was sleeping.

That was only a dream...?

" Hurry, we've to go, now! " she said, whispering.

Today, I'm going to run away with Jack.

I quickly got up, and took few stuff from my things...

Most important one is the letter, that my grandfather gave me...

I stood up behind the maid Serena, who slowly opened the door, checking if anyone is around, then we rushed into the hallway; making our way to escape.

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