Chapter 5

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Alexandra p.o.v:

I was working hard: very hard!  Those days, it's already been 3 months since I worked here. I didn't get any letters from my old man... I miss him so much. I wonder how he's doing. He's the only left member of my family.

I promised him that I'll do my best and I'm trying to, this house is very big and the master is very mysterious. He doesn't talk much, he doesn't even smile! He is very scary... I feel scared every time I meet him. He doesn't talk with me or even look at me. What a weird person.

"Okay, time for work, " I said to myself while working, that's when a maid came to me.

She looked sad... she looked at me weirdly, and said " Alex I'm so sorry "

I asked, confused "why are you apologizing? What happened? "

She said " your grandfather h-he......" 

I said " what happened to my old man?!!" 

She said " h-he died!! " 

I was shocked... I was barely able to talk, I said " you're lying... please tell me this is a joke "

She pat my shoulder, I moved her hand and ran away... I bragged into someone, it was master. I moved fast and walked away... the tears went down my face, I can't believe my old man is dead! He left me. I'm alone... all alone!!

Why... why...  * sob * I sit on the floor crying.

The maid Serina comes to me, she said "I'm really sorry. Please go rest, take the day off. Here, I will take you to your room"

I couldn't feel anything, everything was blind to me.

She took me to my Room, helped me take a bath. She was really nice, but I wasn't on my mind.

She said " you can take a nap. Oh, here. This is a letter from your grandfather "

I took the letter and I started reading it, as she went out.

The letter was saying:

" Dear Alexandra, you are the most beautiful thing that happened in my life. The happiness I felt when you were with me, was greatest joy ever. I'm sorry, I was poor, I didn't give you a good life. I was so old that I couldn't be helpful for you. I wanted you to get used to be alone, that's why I sent you here. Please forgive me.  I didn't want you to watch me die. I believe you will be a great woman, someday. So, you have to work hard. I truly love you, my princess. Please take care, and don't cry on a useless old man like me. Goodbye, wish you all happiness....... Forgive me."

I cried so much, that stupid old  man... how he asks forgiveness? I'm the one who should apologize for being a bad granddaughter. I'm sorry grandfather, don't go... I love you too * sob * before I noticed, I ended up sleeping, holding the letter of my old man.

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