Chapter 6

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Alfred p.o.v :

It's been already 3 months, since that kid moved here. She's working hard l, how interesting.

I was walking, when suddenly I saw her running. She bumped into me. I looked at her face : she was crying and she looked so sad. I haven't seen her like this before .

I asked the maid, who was running after her " what's happening? "

She said that her grandfather died, and he's the last member of her family. I felt pity for her, her eyes were...

What am I saying? I'm getting weird ...

I told them to let her rest and don't make her do work. The Butler was surprised that I cared about her, he said " master, you really care about her "

I said " no, I just feel bad for her..."

I walked in hallway alone and saw her room. The light was on and the door was open a little. I looked inside, I saw her sleeping with tears in her eyes.

I guess, I do care about her...

Alexandra p.o.v :

I woke up and I had weird feeling that someone was inside my room...I moved from bed and remembered what happened.

I walked out from the room, and started working. The maids told me to rest, but I refused. I didn't want to. I kept working all day without stopping, until it was night time. I heard that master came back, I was cleaning when I heard steps behind me. It was master, I said " oh master, I'm sorry for making noises "

He sat there and looked at me, I was nervous.

He said " you don't have to pretend that you're strong"

I said " eh, what? I'm not... "

He said " you can cry or scream. You don't have to control yourself. However, you need to move on" he gave me a serious look.

I said "move on, huh?"

" What do you know about moving on? My dad's dead, my mom's dead. Everyone I loved are dead. My grandfather's dead too. I'm alone... All alone "

He said " so... what?"

" What, you say? Of course you won't understand! You are rich and you have everyone besides you"

He said " that's true, but my life isn't easy too "

" My mother died when I was a child, and my dad was so cruel to me. He died 6 months ago. Do you think it was easy? You have to deal with it. Stop acting stupid and move forward. After all, that's what your old man wanted"

I was shocked to hear his words. I couldn't say anything. How he knows about my old man?

He left and I was crying hardly * sob *

Next morning, I went to his room to apologize about what happened, and saw him having a kiss with that lady from before.

I walked out when they saw me, they told me to stop. I was scared. I thought they were going to get mad, but they didn't.

The lady came close to me and said " you were spying on us? how cute "

I said " n-no, I didn't! I came here to apologize about what happened... " I looked at the master.

She said " Oh, and what happened?"

The master said " it's alright " he looked at me.

I smiled and said " I'll go now, excuse me!"

The Lady Said while smiling " nice to meet you "

I smiled and walked away very fast. Whoa, she's very beautiful and nice.

I was really glad that he wasn't mad, he isn't a bad person... but somehow, I still feel scared of him. Even so, I decided to work hard and not give up.

I will do my best, grandfather.....

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