Chapter 24

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          Alexandra p.o.v:

" Were you surprised when you saw me? " Asked mister Edward.

" Yes, I didn't expect to see you here " I said, smiling to him.

" Well, I'm here for now. It's also possible that'll be staying here for some days " he explained to me.

" That would be great! " I giggled.

He just stood there staring at me.

" Is there something on my face? "

I asked him because he was staring too much, also because I ate too much food while I was Serving.

Wait, isn't that called stealing? I was literally stealing a bit food from each food I delivered.

" No, nothing " he smiled, warmly.

" This party is boring, let's get out of here " he said, dragging me.

" But I have work!! " I said worried about the work.

" There's plenty of maids and butlers, I'm sure they'll find someone to replace you "  he explained.

" But where are we going to the garden? " I asked him.

" Not this time " he replied. I wonder where he is taking me?

" Oh, this room " I said, looking around. It's the room that has a piano.

He walked there touching the piano.

" It's very clean " he said.

" Yes, I made sure to clean it all the time and never let dust touch it " I said, feeling proud.

He looked a bit shocked.

" Why? The room is not used by anyone as I remember " he said.

" Oh, yes. That's true! But.... I thought you might come back someday, and you'll be happy to see it clean " I smiled.

" Besides, I know how much the piano is precious to you. It's your first love! " I said, cheerfully.

I looked at him, only to see him looking at me. His eyes stared at me for a while, as he smiled happily to me.

" That's.... Very kind of you " he kneeled down, kissing my hand again.

" Ahh, I told you not to do that--" I couldn't finish my words, because of his blue eyes that kept staring at mine.

" Alex, Alex! Where are you? " That voice, it must be Lili!!

" Ah! I've to go! " I said to mister Edward.

" Alex "

I heard him calling me. I turned toward him, and he said " I'm really glad to see you again "

He smiled to me. I smiled back at him, warmly.

" What is it Lili? " I said, walking to Lili.

" Ah, it's nothing. I just wanted us to have dinner "

" Us? " I asked.

" Yes! Me you and... Jack " she blushed at the last name.

" Sure, I'm pretty hungry " I chuckled.

" You're always hungry!! " She giggled.

" I look up and suddenly see mister Edward coming, he smiled to me and it happened that Lili saw it.

" Ohhh, who's that handsome man?! " She yelled at me.

" That's mister Edward " I said to her calmly.

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