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Alfred p.o.v:

It's been a year since that house burned, there been a lot of things happening...

Mr Tom wrote me a letter, saying that he's living happily with the maid Serena, they recently became parents to twin.

I've heard that Edward is doing well as, well, he's widely known as a professional musician and he's engaged to the princess of England, who fell in love with both: his looks and playing piano. Lucky him.

That boy Jack has been mentioned by Alexandra, he had fallen in love with that girl and he's doing quite fine.

Lord Sam and I talked, he visited me one day, which was unexpected from him, he was wondering how I'm doing. . . .

" Take care.... Brother "

Was the last thing he said, before leaving. I didn't see him after that day. There's a rumour that, he fell in love with his maid Lili, so did she, and that she became his 'special lady ' who became renowned in all London.

As for me...

Well, The nightmares I used to have disappeared. I still have fear to lose Alexandra one day, yet it all disappears when I look at her beautiful eyes...

The place here is so peaceful, I enjoy watching her walking around in our small garden, and sometimes watching the stars together...

Having her with me was a true joy: her flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. . . Everything.

Sure, there has been bad days... but there's always a new day afterwards, she tried to be understanding, as much as I tried to be calm and..... Kind.

My very soul demands her; it will be satisfied, or it will take deadly vengeance on its frame.

Uh, Didn't I mention that me and Alexandra are married? We made a small wedding party, and invited all the closest people to us... it was beautiful rejoicing, Alexandra was smiling happily, so was I. We currently live in our small, comfortable farm, and we plan to have children soon.

You asked about love? I don't know about love, I just know that I don't want anything but her, I don't want to go anywhere but with her...

This is the story of a man, a man wanted a home, a place for warmth, or comfort; first of physical warmth, the warmth of the affection.

Love is a force more formidable than any other.
It's Invisible and cannot be measured.
Yet, it's powerful enough to transform you
in the moment.
It's the 7th sense that blinds all other senses


Hey guys 👋😊👋 I wrote an epilogue just as you requested so sorry if it wasn't good enough, hope you enjoyed it and wish you all a great day! Goodbye ❤️🌺❤🌺️❤️🌺❤️

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