Chapter 42

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Edward p.o.v:

I'm on my way to that man mansion.

It's been awhile since I've been there.

I wonder how is she doing....

Alex, don't worry. I'll make sure to make you free from that man...

And have you in my arms .

My beautiful Alex.

Alexandra p.o.v:

" Please, just Let me out a bit! I won't leave the house, I just need some clean air please!! " I said to the maid Serena, who just brought me food.

" No, I can't! The orders of Mr Tom are clear and understandable. You can't get out of this room. Now, eat your food " she said, sitting on my bed.

Just looking at that bed brings me a bad memories.

" Is something wrong, Alex? " she asked worried.

" No, it's nothing..." I said, sighing deeply, while holding my head.

" I've big news for you! " she said, with exicted voice.

I looked at her, she said " I met Jack yesterday! "

" Is he alright?! "I asked worried.

I don't want him to be hurt because of me... he already lost his job because of me... it's all my fault.

" He seems to be beaten a little...but he's fine. You know he's strong guy! " she said, letting a light laugh, trying to not make me feel bad .

But I'm already.

" I asked him not to come here as you asked me to. Though, he was a bit stubborn, but in the end he listened to me " she said, sighing and smiling a bit .

I looked down, smiling a bit.

" I know that you are having a really hard time, but trust me it'll end soon " she said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Then she moved her hand to my face, holding it gently, with a caring, warm look; she said " it's going to be fine soon. So, please, just hold on a bit "

Tears fell down my face as I hugged her tightly.

" Thank you..." I said to her and she patted my back.

" Aren't I your big sister? So, why are you thanking me? idiot! " she smiled, trying to hide her tears.

" I still don't like you calling me that, I'm still young and beautiful " she said, getting up from the bed.

" I'll be going now, and you better finish your food! " she ordered seriously, and I nodded, letting a light laugh.

While she walked to the door, she suddenly said " uh... I almost forgot! "

I looked at her, and she continued " Mister Edward is coming today "

Edward is coming back....

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