chapter 35

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Alfred p.o.v:

So, the little boy has grown, and decided to destroy me.

How interesting.

Let's see what he can do.

" Darling " I heard a voice calling me.

It's my lady, Lona.

" My lady " I said while she entered the room.

" Today was a very tiring day " she Said, hugging me.

" I see " I said, coldly.

" Oh, my. How was yours? Anything interesting? " She asked while sitting next to me: on a chair.

" Perhaps " I smirked, looking at a book, that I'm reading.

" My, my. How about both of us have some interesting, and fun time " she winked, crossing her legs in a sexy position.

" Hmm, why not? " I smirked, closing the book.

" That's what I want to hear from you, darling " she smirked as well, walking to me, putting her hands around my neck.

As she gets closer to kiss me, I moved my head.

She was surprised a bit, looking at me.

I moved my hands to reach her, kissing her neck.

" I'll try something different, and start from here " I looked at her, playfully.

" Oh... my, such a bad husband you are, Alfred" she giggled.

I won't allow her to touch them, not until the flavour of that brat lips disappears.

Alexandra p.o.v:

I cannot continue like this anymore.

Should I leave the house?

But where should I go?!

Up until the last five years, here was the only place I stayed at.

And I'm Not allowed to leave it, until I'm 18.

That's the agreement between master, and my old man.

Suddenly, I saw mistress Lona coming.

She's beautiful as ever.

I stood in respect position.

" Oh, my. It's you, again " she smiled at me.

" Yes, mistress. So, is there anything you want me to do for you?" I asked. It's my duty to serve her.

" No. There's no need to do anything " she smiled, warmly. Just like an angel.

She'll be really hurt if she know what her husband did...

" Just stay away from my husband " what? Did she say that? I heard her mumble it quietly. Perhaps, my ears aren't hearing well, or maybe I'm starting to imagine things.

After working for a bit.

I sat down in the kitchen.

Along with the maid Serena.

I asked her for a help.

" Why would you leave us and go? " She asked a bit sadly.

" I... I..." I don't want to, but I have to.

" Well, if you insist, then the only way is to ask master for permission " she sighed and leant on her hand, with her elbow on the table.

" But..." I said, looking down.

Will he let me free, if I ask-- no, if I beg him?

Or should I accept mister Edward offer...

I walked out of the kitchen, thinking of a way.

I suddenly saw Mister Edward, Hugging the lady Lona with a bag beside him.

Wait, is he leaving?

I stood in my place, looking at him.

He turned his head and look at me, smiling.

Lady Lona looked at me, then smirked, calling me.

" Come here " she said, softly.

I walked to them.

" I'll leave both of you alone. My dear, don't forget to let me know when you get home safely " she smiled to him, walking off.

" You're leaving?" I asked surprised.

" Yes, but I'll be back very soon " he looked at me in the eyes.

With his blue eyes...

" When I come, I should expect an answer for my offer " he smirked.

" And it must be yes "

" Ahh ...well, goodbye. Mister Edward " I said, politely.

He chuckled " I'll see you soon, Alex " he leaned down to kiss my hand, before leaving.

I remained there holding my hand.

I have a bad feeling...

I hope to leave this place very soon...


Hey guys, sorry for late update .I have been so tired lately.
Well, I hope you like the chapter.
What do you think? Will she ask Alfred to let her go? Or she'll find another way.
Will be Edward back or not?
Do you want him back?
Thanks for reading!

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