Chapter 19

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Alexandra p.o.v :

Master is back ...

I can't believe it , but why ? After all this time ....and most importantly ....why am I Trembling ?!

He started walking in the hallway, taking a step after step along with lady Lona.

He suddenly looked at me, he kept staring at me for a few moments, then he smirked to me walking into the living room; along with the lady Lona.

I can't believe he is back !!

" What's wrong, Alex?!! " asked Lili with worried expression.

" It's nothing. I'm fine " I gave her a light smile.

" If you say so..." She said, smiling a bit . I don't want to feel scared of worried .

I'm no longer Alex who were a little girl . I'm now a grownup girl and I won't let something like this get me scared ! Besides, the master was just teasing me because I was a little girl, that's all...

" But really I'm so shocked! " said Lili .

" Why? " I asked her

" Because, I didn't expect master to be this handsome!! and he's young too. I thought our master is probably some old man " she said excited.

" His wife is pretty too, but isn't she... older than him? " she asked .

" Well..." I said, but I've been cut by the maid Serena.

" Yes, you're right. She is too old then him! " Serena explained .

" But master became even more handsome, than he was. I mean, he was so handsome already, and now he's extremely handsome! " she said .

Come to think of it, she's right... but I didn't really bring any attention to that...

" So, the master has come back? " Said Jack. We sat in the garden after a while with master's coming .

" Yes, he is extremely handsome and young too!! " Said Lili.

" Whatever. It's not like it's a big deal, right Alex? " Said Jack, looking at me .

" Can we please stop talking about him " I said a bit annoyed. I really don't like speaking about him... at all .

" Hmm... as you like " said Jack, and Lili nodded her head .

" We come here to rest a bit, before going back to work " I said to them .

" Well, you're right. Especially after master and mistress coming " said Lili.

" ALEX COME HERE WE NEED YOU " yelled one of the maids .

" Yes, I'm coming! " I said, yelling a bit .

" Sorry . I've to go." I said to them, as I left for the work .

Time skipped fast , it's dinner time now . Master and mistress are sitting on the table. The chefs made a really good food for them . Mistress lona appearance didn't change much , she's still beautiful as ever .

But master... he became more manly, handsome and.... colder . His actions are colder and his stares are even scarier, is it just me who thinks that? I wonder ...

I helped putting the food on the table. I accidentally dropped a fork down the table from master side, I got really nervous. I didn't want to pick it up, but I had to .

I got down to pick it up, I looked up to see the master looking at me with his cold, mysterious and scary eyes .

A smirk drawn on his face. I put the fork on the table and excused myself to leave: after I helped putting all food on the table.

It's night time. I walked into the hallway to my room, I was remembering the smirk that master showed. It is really scary.

I looked up to see .... that master is here, he is also walking in the hallway. I guess, he wants to go to his room. I put my head down and walked quickly in the direction of my room. As I passed by his side, he said quietly, " You've really grown up haven't you? "

He said that to me, and I frozen in my place.

" In a very good way too " he turned his head, and looked at me.

I didn't say anything, I just ran . I ran and ran . As fast as I could to my room .

I just want to run from him as long as I can...

I entered my room and got into my bed. I closed my eyes, hoping that this is a dream, and by tomorrow master wouldn't be here anymore...

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