chapter 21

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Alexandra p.o.v :

I woke up hoping what I hoped for yesterday, will become true .

But it didn't...

I quickly washed my face telling myself " hold up yourself a bit , Alex !! " I have to not let fear get  me .

I know that after my grandfather died, I have been feeling insecure and unsafe .

But I've never been this cowardly and discouraged . Why being around master makes me so scared ?

Why his eyes make me shake ? He is so scary, so cold and... empty .

I thought maybe after his marriage, that would changed .

Like my old father always talked about two persons finding happiness together, but master never seem to be happy .

I walked downstairs . Directly to the kitchen , I started to eat some breakfast before master and mistress are awake .

I met Lili there . We sat and start talking about random things .

It's true that Lili is my best friend but ...I never had the courage to tell her about how much master make me scared ...

" Alex !! What's wrong you don't seem like yourself lately !! " Lili said with worried tone .

" no I'm fine ...don't worry " I smiled to her to let her know that I'm fine .

I cannot let the fact that master is back .

Distract me from my job and I cannot absolutely make the others worry about me like this .

" Good morning " said Jack walking in the kitchen . He must be hungry even though it's still early.

He's always like that though ...

" Good morning " both me and Lili replied his greet .

" So, is that master planing to stay ? " asked Jack as he took a sit .

" I guess " I replied .

" Yes, he is going to stay " said the maid Serena .

" I see " was the only thing he said .

" Ah, it's really boring I wish we could go down town for a round " said Lili .

" Why not ? You two get ready when your free and I'll take you to the town " said Jack .

" Really, thank you !! " said Lili excitedly .

" I won't be going " I said to them .

" What ?!! But why ?" Said lili almost yelling .

" I'm just not in the mood " I replied .

" You two can go without me " I said to them .

" Ahh, so you don't mind ? " said lili .

" No, not at all " I smiled .

"No it's fine. We'll wait for you until you're in the mood " said Jack as he stood up and walked off .

" Ohh... " said lili feeling sad .

" I'm sorry ... I'll ask Mr Tom later to allow us to go " I said trying to make it up for her .

" Really? thank you !! " she gave me a hug . And I hugged her back .

I spend the rest of the day cleaning so hard and when time is up .

I gone with lili to ask Mr Tom permission to go to the town .

I asked him politely " Ah, Mr Tom... can we go downtown along with Jack ? "

" Have you finished all work for today? " he asked me crossing his arms .

" Yes we did ! " I replied .

" Then you may go but don't be late " he said . Mr Tom might sound strike but he's actually kind .

I was about to go when I suddenly saw ...master .

He called me out and I walked to him slowly . Leaving lili behind waiting for me .

" Where are you going ? " master asked .

" Ah... emm ... downtown with the Maid lili and worker Jack . Master "

" Jack you say ..." he said quietly that I barely heard him .

" Have you finished all the work ? " asked master again.

" Yes, I did " I said avoiding eye contact with His scary eyes.

" I believe not " he said .

" What ? But I did mast--..." I tried to explain but he didn't let me finish my words.

" The library needs to be cleaned , immediately " he said .

" But master I've already cleaned it,  just a short while ago " I said to him . If I don't go with Jack and lili then Jack won't go and lili will be sad .

" Are you disobeying me ? " he questioned .

" No... I'm sorry , master " I apologized .

" Go to work now " he ordered.

" Yes master " I said quietly .

I walked to lili and told her what happened . She seemed to be really down but covered it with smile saying it's okay and that we can go another time.

And then she's gone to Jack telling him that we aren't going .

I walked to the master library and started to clean the books and everything else .

They are clean yet I have to clean them again because master ordered to .

Master really likes to read.  He have so many books in the library and in his room .

As I were cleaning I heard a foot steps . I turned to see master .

I felt nervous . I began to shake a bit . We are alone here ??

" Are you scared ? " asked master looking at me up and down .

" No...." I replied continuing to clean not turning around . I hear foot steps one more time but I decided to ignore them and focus on cleaning .

The foot steps are getting closer and closer .

" Is that so? " I could feel a hands behind me . One holding my back and other holding my face .

I frozen in my place as I hear his words " too bad ..." he whispers in my ear . I could feel his breath on my neck and his hands ....

I quickly moved away .

" Master, what are you doing !? " I said getting away .

" So, you are scared? " he smirked .

" Stop trying to tease me ! please ...I'm not little girl, anymore " I said quietly trying to get him away from me .

But I was wrong.

" So you're... not a little girl anymore ? " he said .

" Yes... so you should sto---" before I finish my words I see him in front of me . his face was so close to mine .

He pinned me to the wall .

" Well... that's good " he smirked " no reason to hold back , anymore " he said whispering.

What does he mean by that?

" Master , you are married !! " I said to him .

" And so ? " I was shocked by his answer .

I pushed him away a bit and ran away from him .

I can't believe what master said!

And what he did!! .

He is abnormal!!

I must stay away from him .

Far far away from him....

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