Chapter 28

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Alexandra p.o.v:

Ever since that day. Jack never ever spoke to me again. He didn't even look at me.

Lili was so worried. He refused to say what was wrong with him to her, he didn't even speak with her.

Lili is sad and gloomy. She didn't smile for a long time.

It's all my fault...

I take the food to living room, where's master , mistress and mister Edward.

" Anyway, Oh my, Lord Sam invited us to a party he is making " said mistress Lona, holding a letter .

" Oh, my dear . Are we going? " she asked master , he just nodded.

" You'll be going too Edward, My dear, right ? " she asked mister Edward .

" There'll be plenty of beautiful young ladies there " she said, smirking to him.

" Sounds fun, I'll go. Only if you agree that..." he looked at me with a smirk. Don't tell me he's planning to do something unusual?

" I'll take her with me " he said, holding my hand. I was shocked!

" Oh, my... " said mistress Lona, looking at me .

" Are you... in a relationship with her? " She questioned.

I was shocked meanwhile Master looked at us with full attention, especially me.

" He's not!! " I answered quickly before mister Edward says something. Don't make things more complicated for me.

" I see " mistress chuckled, then smirked at me.

" I wouldn't mind that nor taking her with us, as well " she said.

" I'm glad to know " he smirked to her and master, turning his face to me, and he winked.

What exactly is he trying to do??

" Darling, you don't mind that, do you? " she asked the master.

Who looked at me directly, then smirked and said " not at all "

" That's great!" She smiled. God, she is so beautiful.

" You may go now " she said to me, smiling.

How could he do something like that to me, when he have such a beautiful woman like this, with the appearance of an angel!!

Later, I was cleaning the floor, when I saw mister Edward.

" Why did you do that?! " I asked, seriously.

" Calm down, Alex. I just wanted you to have some fun. You seem to be awfully sad " he said, looking at me.

I remained silent. How can I be happy when I'm losing my two best friends.

" It's settled. You'll be going with me, so it's better that you get ready " he winked and walked off.

I continued my job, I was about to go to the kitchen and help there. When one of the maids called me.

" Mistress is asking for you, she wants you in her room " the maid said to me. What is it? Did I do something wrong?!

I walked into the room, and knocked the door.

" Come in " she said.

" Excuse me, mistress " I said, walking in the room.

" Close the door behind you " I do as she asked. Am I in trouble?

" Come here " she said to me. I walk to her slowly.

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