Chapter 10

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Alexandra p.o.v :

I looked over at him, to see him already looking at me ....

Our eyes met, his mysterious cold eyes stared at mine without feeling nervous or anything.

I asked him " master, what are you doing here? "

He remained silent and walked toward me, I backed up a bit... he patted my head, he said " just wanted to know if you had slept yet or not " with his eyes still staring at me.

He walked to the door, before he reached it, he stopped and said " you know, I'm sure your grandfather would be so proud of you "

his words surprised me, yet made me so happy. I smiled at what he said, and said " thank you, master "

With that he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Sometimes, master really make me scared: his dark cold looks, the way he walk and the fact that he doesn't talk much, and doesn't smile much too. That what I was saying to the maid Serena.

" And that what make him the perfect master! " she said that in dramatic way, holding her heart.

" Only if he wasn't engaged " she mumbled to herself. It was so funny, I couldn't help but to laugh.

" I'm too young for this!! " I said to her

" Oh really? now you consider yourself young, huh? You little..." She ran after me, holding her broom.

" I will show you! weren't you the one who said « I'm big now! » "

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said, running away from her laughing, and scared.

I know she wouldn't hit me, yet she can if she is mad. Somehow, the maid Serena was a like a big sister to me, who support and helped me many times... come to think of it, all other maids were good to me, especially after my old man's death.

They have got used me, even though they do tease me a lot since I'm the youngest maid there.

I looked at Serena, who has calmed down and said " Serena, what do you know about the master? "

She raised her eyebrow, and said " why are you so interested? "

I shrugged my shoulders " just curious "

Serena took a sight, and said " I don't know much, either. All I know that his mother died after a few minutes of his birth, that what made his father hate him. He treated him in a cold, cruel way, until he died... I really pity the master "

I felt sad for the master, so that was the reason behind his cold actions... " well, don't you have work to do " she said to me, almost glaring

" Yes, right away! " I said, going to work.

I started cleaning the hallway, I already cleaned the kitchen floor, rooms and the bathrooms.

The only thing left now is the hallway. I started cleaning the dust around the paints in the wall, that's when I saw a big paint of a beautiful woman, I kept looking at her.

" She's the mother of the master " someone said behind me, I turned to see «Mr Tom! »

" Ah, Mr Tom, since when you're here " I asked.

" Not for a very long time, " he replied, I didn't say anything.

I just continued cleaning, he said to me " after you finish, make sure to clean the master room as well "

I nodded my head, and he walked away.

After I finished cleaning, I walked into the master room. First, I knocked the door and since nobody replied, I entered and started cleaning.

The Master has so many books, yet his room is still simple. His room is huge! I was about to finish, when I heard the door open.

I looked to see who it was, it was the Master!

" Excuse me master, I had to clean the room "

He didn't say anything. I got my cleaning things and was about to get out, when I tumbled and almost fell to the ground, but master caught me up before that happened.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you master! I'm so sorry... "

I was trying to apologize, only to notice that master is getting closer and closer to me...

" Ah..I'm fine master, you can let go of me now, " I said, laughing a bit awkwardly, but he didn't. He just kept holding me.

I looked up to see him looking at me again, with his scary cold eyes.

" Master, please let go! " I said, trying to pull away, that's when he let go of me.

He didn't say anything, only sat on his seat.

" Excuse me..." I said, about to walk away.

When he said" you're growing up fast..."

He looks into my eyes closely, continuing " Alexandra "

At that moment, I was shocked. I couldn't say anything.

I could see that I was shaking from the way he talked. The way he said my name, and the way he looked at me... it's scaring me.

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