Chapter 12

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Alfred p.o.v :

" We are married now " said the lady, or should I say the madam Lona, since she became my wife.

She kept smirking all day long like she have won prize or something. What she doesn't know that I'm the one who one it; not her, Of course. Even though, she's not bad looking at all. People call her extremely beautiful. However, the real prize is the money that l'm going to have.

" Indeed " I replied calmly, looking at her, then looked away, not making too much care about it.

Marriage isn't something weird it will happen sooner or later, but in my case it's better this way. I've gotten a good deal.

" You know, since we are married " she walked to me, holding my face and whispering.

" We can play... a lot! " She smirked in a way made her red lips look sexier.

" But there's still guests waiting " I replied coldly, yet with the same smirk smirk she showed.

" Ahh... too bad " she said

" But we'll play later at night..." She winked at me

" Of course we'll my lady " I whispered in her ear, then crossed arms with hers: as we walked back to the guests, who I could hear them talking and chattering about us.

I wonder what kind of stories they're making about us.

After 2 hours, almost all guests were back. Except some few ones who couldn't, along with lady lona's cousin.

Both her parents are dead, another reason made us more suitable. Even if we weren't.

" So now it's time to play, aren't I right? " She said, looking at me with a sexy look. No, it's rather called the men killer.

" I believe so " I said with a small grin, while taking off my tie.

" Ah, let me help you with that " she started to take off my tie, after that she put her arms around my shoulders.

" You know, I'm jealous. You stole all the lights from me today..." She looked at me in the eyes.

" Well, let me make it up for you " I Brushed my lips against hers deeply, while looking at her. I stopped after a bit, letting her catch up her breath.

" Ahh, not bad for young guy..." She said, backing up to the bed, sitting in a sexy way.

" How about I show you the abilities of this young guy, my lady? " I said, walking to the bed, it's going to be a long night...

Alexandra p.o.v:

" The guests finally left " I said, looking at the empty places of the guests. We almost finished cleaning.

" They finally left " I looked around to see the blonde guy, from before.

" you're still here? " I asked a bit surprised

" Yes, I'm. Hopefully, it's not bothering you. Is it? " He looked at me.

" No! Not at all " I smiled, come to think of it, I don't even know his name.

" What's your name? " I asked, innocently.

" I thought you would never ask " he looked at me.

" I'm Edward " he smiled in a comfortable way.

I said " I'm..."

"Alex" he said

" How did you know?? " I asked a bit surprised

" How wouldn't I know, when the maids kept screaming your name all day long " he said in a funny way.

I started laughing " yes, you're right! "

" Tell me, how can you bear with them " he asked

" I try to make them invisible " he chuckles and I continue my words " but they truly aren't that bad, though I just realized that each one of them trying to do their job to leave probably "

" Hmm, those are big words for a little girl " he said and I just remembered what I said, before about not being a lady, I started to laugh.

" You stay here " he asked, looking at me while we walked inside the house.

" Yes " I nodded.

" How is living with the monster " he said looking around .

" Monster? " I questioned

" You know, that man with a cruel face, " he started to pull his face in a funny way.

" haha, you mean the master! " I said, laughing.

" Yes, that man. I truly dislike him. Besides, that's what people call him "

I was shocked I asked " why??! "

" That's what people used to call his father, and he seems to be more like him " he said

" I don't think he is " I said, looking at him

He asked " aren't you scared of him? All maids here does, as it seems "

I held my arm tightly

" Are you? "

He looked up at me, and I smiled weirdly " no, not at all..."

He then looked at me, again. I was about to ask something, when I suddenly saw someone unexpected " what are you doing here? And why you're still awake? "

It was Mr Tom, he was calm, yet his words were harsh.

" If you aren't finished, then go back to work! " He ordered

" Y.... Yes! " I said, walking fast to my room.

" And don't forget your place here " he said, not turning a bit around, and staying still.

I was shocked, yet I knew he was right " yes, Mr Tom " I said, feeling down.

" As for you, Mr Edward. You should be in your room, by this time " Mr Tom said

" Ah, indeed " Edward said, in a playful joking tone.

" Mr Edward, the only reason for you to be here is you being a cousin of the lady Lona. So, I'll be expecting more agreeable behaviour from you" said Mr Tom and walked away, leaving Edward behind him.

" This place is really interesting " Edward said with a smirk, looking around while walking to his room.

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