Chapter 18

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Alexandra p.o.v :

" Alex !! Hurry up, we have a lot of work to do !! "

" Yes, I'm coming ! " I yelled to the maid Serena as I ran downstairs.

" I'm here " I said, breathing heavily because I ran downstairs, yet smiling to her .

" Oh, my. You didn't change at all " she said, looking at me.

" even though, you become so beautiful and grownup ....your behaviors are still the same like you used to be back 5 years ago "

Yes, it's true. It's been five years, since I started to work here. Master still didn't come back yet , it makes me relieved somehow.

" Hehe, is that so? " I said to her, laughing awkwardly .

" My, but you really become more beautiful, Alex " she said, looking at me with smile.

" Thank you , older sister " I said respectfully. It's true Serena been like sister to me all this time. I'm really glad to have her support, and the other maids too. They're all kind . Even though, they are a bit annoying sometimes.

" I told you from before DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT !! " she yelled at me.

" I'm still young , you know " she said with smirk.

" Ehh, but you really look old... " I said carelessly .

" You little ..I'll show you!! " she ran after me with her broom, and I ran away starting to laugh. She really gets angry much, she isn't that old though . I'm just kidding with her.

" Go back to work, now! " she ordered me, after she gave me a light hit on my head. She's so cruel. Just kidding, though.

" You never learn, do you ? " said jack, walking to me as I was cleaning the garden.

" I guess, you're right " I chuckled .

Jack is worker here, he works mostly with horses. He really knows how to take care of them .

He is tall, has ash brown hair and hazel eyes. Also, he's handsome, so handsome.

Me and him are really good friends!

He came to work at this house three years ago, me and him get really along together.

But, he wasn't the only person who came to work in this house .

" What are you two doing!?" said Lili .

Lili is one of my best friends. Well, actually my favorite friend along with jack too, but somehow whenever I'm with jack she gets really mad. I guess, she's jealous? Maybe, she likes Jack.

Lili is a cute girl with childish face, yet she's the same age as mine: even older than me with 2 months. She has a red hair and green eyes.

" I won't allow you two to have fun without me " she mumbled, quietly. She is really cute like little children.

She came here to work last year. At the beginning, she seemed to hate me. A lot. Especially, when I'm around with Jack, but fortunately she became nicer, and we the three of us are friends.

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