chapter 16

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Alfred p.o.v:

The smile she smiled when she talked about her grandfather.

The way she talked.

Made it impossible for me, not to do what I just did .

Kissing her .

I just kissed her. Not deeply, but our lips touched. The look on her eyes . The fear she showed. I like it.

She ran away from me .

She's so scared from me, isn't that cute? I want her all To me .

After that, I stayed in my place, drinking all bottle, Until the last drop.

I feel like it's not enough . I want more .

" But, it's enough for now " I said to myself with smirk, as I walked out of the kitchen.

I'm now at my room. Well, our room. I looked at Lona who was sleeping .

" So ugly " I said to myself. She didn't look ugly. So, why she seems ugly to me? Disgusting.

Slowly and quietly . I get into the bed . The last thing I want, is waking her . Unfortunately, that what exactly happened.

" Where have you been?" she said, hugging me .

" Drinking " I replied with uninterested tone .

" Oh, my. Why didn't you say so? " she said

" I could have joined you " she whispered to my ear .

" I didn't want to bother you " I replied with cold look .

" You will never bother me, dear. Never " she said in sexy way, looking at me.

" So, what is your decision? " she asked.

" I'll let you know by tomorrow " I replied .

" Hmm, then shall we play... now " she smirked .

I looked at her for moment, then said " as you wish, my lady " with that she kissed me deeply .

Her kiss taste differently . It's disgusting . As her face .

With that our night began .

Alexandra p.o.v :

" Ah, I just fell a sleep " I said, rubbing my eyes .

Suddenly, all memories of yesterday rushed into my mind . A fear snapped into me again.

" No ! You should not be scared ..." I said to myself , but I'm scared. Only if my old man is here . I sighed .

I miss you.

I said, looking at the sky . Right now, I'm at the garden. I washed some clothes and now I'm drying them .

It's pretty early, but I couldn't go back to sleep .

" Alex, what are you doing this early? " I look up to see Edward looking at me, from the window.

" Ah, emm...watching clothes? " I said to him, innocently .

" Ah, sorry for not noticing! " he laughed at my answer, so did I .

" Wait, I'll come to you " he said to me.

" No. No need " I said, smiling .

" It's too late " he said, getting inside the room .

I sat beside the tree . Looking at the sky . Somehow, my worry becomes less with looking at the blue sky .

" What a beautiful lady like you doing, sitting here all alone? " he said with charming smile, yet funny attitude .

" Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just a little girl " I said, smiling .

" More like: a little lady " he said, sitting next to me.

" The sky is beautiful, isn't? " I looked at the sky, again.

" Yes it is " he said, Looking at it then me.

" Did you have a nightmare ? " he asked me .

".....Yes . Sort of " I answered his question .

" You know what would be great now? " I said to him .

" Hmm ...what ? " he asked .

" You playing piano here " I chuckled and he Laughed .

" Why not? Someday I will " he smiled for me .

" as for now I'll play to you, in the room " he said, pulling me from my arms .

The breeze that's coming from the Window is nice, it mixed perfectly with the sounds, and music he made .

Ahh, so wonderful. Why couldn't I do that too? The only good thing I can do is either cleaning or eating. Thought, eating doesn't consider a good or beneficial thing.

" Did you enjoy it? " He asked me, when he finished.

" I certainly did!! " I replied excitedly.

" Glad to know " he replied, calmly. More calmly than usual.

" Why are you talking like, it's the last time I'm going to hear your playing? " I asked him.

" Of course not. You will hear my playing, again " He said, grinning.

" Ah, I should get going now, it's almost breakfast time " I said, leaving while waving to him.

He stood there, smiling to me.

At the breakfast, I heard the master and mistress talking much.

With serious attitude.

I can see that master is looking at me from time to another.

I try my best not to look so nervous.

After breakfast, Master leaves the living room, but before that he called Mr Tom. He said something to him, and Mr Tom nodded.

" Why are we all gathered together? " The maids start questioning, Mr Tom gather them all together. He said he had a serious matter to say.

"Mr Tom is looking handsome today " the maid Serena said to me, looking at him.

" Ew..." I giggled

" You also, like Mr Tom? " I asked her.

" Shut your mouth, brat " she blushed a bit.

" Why not? He is very good looking man... "

At the time, I wanted to say something for her. Mr Tom started talking.

" We gathered you today " he said

" Look, doesn't that make him sound like--..."

" Ahem, ahem " he coughed.

I guess, I Must stay silent.

" Because, I have important news for you all. That must be known "

We all looked at him, as he continued.

" Master and mistress are going to leave the house, today "

With that, he shocked almost everyone in the room.

They are leaving?!

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