Chapter 9

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Hello, I decided to continue this story :) and I will update more then I used to, which I apologise for. I didn't think that my story is good, but it turned out to be, lol. So enjoy

Alfred p.o.v :

" my name is Edward..."

So his name is Edward, huh? What a strange boy... Well, I should expect that since he's the cousin of the woman I'm willing to marry. They both seem to be uneasy...

I look to my fiancée, who were staring at me like she were trying to read my mind. Too bad she'll never be able to.

" nice to meet you, Mr Edward " I said that and looked back at my fiancé.

" I'll tell the maid to prepare a room for you, and your cousin "

She smiled " no need, Mr Alfred. I'll be going now, and I'll take Edward with me "

" it's late, I suggest you stay here for tonight "

" I insist, Mr Alfred " she said, walking to the door.

" besides, you will see me a lot from now onwards, since we'll get marry soon" she smirked, and called Edward who followed her.

" excuse me now, Mr Alfred " she said

" I'll be waiting for your next visit, my dear " I kissed her hand and smirked at her. What a dangerous woman she's. With that, she walks away.

I took a relief sigh, taking off my jacket and taking a seat. I held my head.

" Master, do you have a headache? " Asked by Mr Tom, I nodded " should I bring you something? A medicine? Tea? "

I looked at him" no need, you can leave "

Mr Tom nodded and walked to the door, before he left the room, I called him again, " you have been a great help for me today, Mr Tom "

He smiled and said " I'm glad to know, master " with that he closed the door.

I tried to relax a bit, only to find myself thinking about that best... again.

I don't know why I'm so attracted to her, but I only know that I'm... how interesting.

Alexandra p.o.v:

Finally, I finished the work! The maids kept calling me to do more and more work, l'm exhausted. I wore my sleeping clothes and jumped in my bed, that's when I heard sounds of steps near the room.

The sound stopped at my room... I'm sure that everyone went to sleep, who could possibly still be awake? I pretended to be asleep as I heard the door open, I could hear steps coming closer, and closer reaching my bed.

I felt someone watching me... I tried to close my eyes tightly, so that person wouldn't know that I'm awake, I could feel a hand on my head, touching my hair.

I felt scared... until, I heard the steps, leaving the room, before that person left I opened my eyes to see, it's..."Master!"

I make a noise as I move a bit on the bed, which it cracked. I looked over towards him, to see him looking at me already. What in the world is going on...?

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