Chapter 2

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A/N I like to use the wrestlers' real names, because I think it creates a more personal connection between the reader and the wrestlers. So, for the purpose of distinguishing between the two Jonathans (Jimmy Uso and Dean Ambrose), I will refer to Jimmy as Jon and Dean as JG. Seth Rollins will be referred to by his real name-Colby Lopez.

Thanks for the reviews on Chapter 1! You guys encourage me to write, so please keep 'em coming! I will be updating weekly, so stay tuned!

Chapter 2


Val groaned into her pillow when the text alert on her cell phone sounded, waking her from her nap. Ever since becoming employed with the WWE, her circadian rhythm had been taken hostage. After six months, she still hadn't gotten used to the grueling round the clock schedule and couldn't figure out how the Superstars and Divas adjusted to life on the road so well-some of them at least. The ones with families at home were always the loneliest. Life on the road was as hard as hell for her and she didn't even have a pet at home, let alone a family. She was single and thankfully, had no children. There was no way that she would have the will to leave her child behind, and this job-whether performing in the ring or working behind the scenes, required a dedication that took strong will which she just didn't possess. That epiphany led her to the single life, which she'd enjoyed over the last six months. On occasion though, she did get lonely and had found comfort in conversation with one particular Superstar that caught her eye when she arrived on the scene, vying for the position of Live Events Photographer.


Five Months Earlier...

Valkyrie England had just finished a crash course in ringside photography when the senior photographer dismissed her and fellow newbie photographer Raelynn Myers for a break. The two women hadn't spoken much, each of them eyeing the other for weakness. Both women were waiting to pounce on the opportunity to travel full time with the WWE roster, while the other would just work pay-per-view events. To Valkyrie, this was all out war. She was hungry for the position and vowed that no one was going to take her meal ticket.

As the two women attempted to navigate the halls of the arena in complete silence, the maze began to disorient them. Luckily, they ran into a couple of Superstars heading in the same direction and that was when time stood still for Valkyrie.

"You ladies look lost," the first superstar said. Due to her familiarity with the WWE product, Valkyrie immediately recognized him as The Lunatic Fringe.

"We are lost. Can you guys point us in the direction of catering?" Raelynn asked.

"We're going that way now. You ladies are welcome to join us," The Powerhouse Roman Reigns added. He gave Valkyrie an obvious flirtatious smile, making her heart flutter. She smiled back at him and accepted his invitation.

"Lead the way," she said, stepping to his side. "By the way, I'm Valkyrie England, but you can call me 'Val.' That's Raelynn."

"Valkyrie?" Joe asked, cinching his brow in curiosity. "I'll have to get you to explain that one to me one day. I'm Joe. He's JG, and we're both hungry as hell, so let's get some food."

The quartet carried on lively conversation until they finally reached catering. Val shook her head and softly laughed.

"What's funny?" Joe asked.

"We would've never found this place," she answered as she watched JG and Raelynn head straight for the food bar.

"Well, it's good that we bumped into each other," he said, staring her down with gray eyes reminiscent of the flyaway ashes of a dying fire.

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