Chapter 9

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A/N: Well, here we go again! Thanks for the input guys. I write this story based on the reviews I get, so keep 'em coming!

Chapter 9


"You must be Val."

The sound of Lina's voice took just a few seconds for Joe to recognize. What the hell is she doing here, he asked himself as he walked over to the door.

"Yeah, I'm Val."

"Bitch, is my husband here?" Lina angrily asked.

"Bitch?" Val retorted, "You don't know who the fuck I am. I will whoop-"

"Yeah, I'm here," Joe said from behind Val, quickly grabbing her arm before she could lunge at Lina. He stepped between the two women when he noticed the look of vexation on Val's face.

"You bastard! You couldn't wait to fuck that bitch, could you?!"

"I haven't slept with her," he answered, rolling his eyes and rapidly becoming impatient with her continuous berating of Val. "Can we talk about this in my room?"

"Fuck you! We don't need to talk about shit!"

"We're not doing this out here!" he warned in a low, but firm growl.

Joe grabbed Lina by the arm and led her from the room amidst her ranting protests. He gave Val an apologetic glance over his shoulder and soon disappeared down the hall. With another live show set to run in just a few hours, the last thing he wanted was Lina causing trouble for him or Val at their place of work. He needed to try to smooth things over with her as quickly as possible.

Once they'd made it to his room, he closed the door behind him and began the task of trying to calm Lina down.


"I can't believe I actually caught you in that bitch's room!"

"Lina," he said a bit louder.

"You're a fucking joke, Joe!"

"Lina!" he yelled, startling her into silence. "I didn't sleep with her! We were just talking! What the hell are you doing here anyway, and where's JoJo?"

"Oh, you didn't sleep with her?" Lina sarcastically asked. "What the hell makes you think I believe that?!"

"What does it matter?!" Joe replied, creasing his brow in disbelief. "You already threw our marriage away, and now you wanna put it back on me? Knowing what you did, what could you possibly have to say to me?!"

"Oh, you're not completely innocent in this, Joe, so don't act like you're so fucking self-righteous! I know you!"

"Yeah, and now I know you! Why did you even come here?!"

"I came here to apologize and see if we could work things out, but now I see that was a mistake!"

"I didn't sleep with her!" he yelled again.

"Yeah, you didn't sleep with her, but I'm sure you tried!" Lina said, folding her arms over her chest. "How the fuck stupid do you think I am?!"

"I don't think you're stupid, alright?" Joe took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. "Yes, I did try to sleep with her, but she turned me down, because I was married."

"How could you do that to me, Joe?!"

"The same way you were able to do it to me, Lina! I was lonely!"

Lina stared at him in silence for several moments before speaking.

"Why'd you marry me?"

"Because I love you. Why'd you say 'yes?'" Joe asked.

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