Chapter 8

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A/N Quick "thank you" to all of you for taking the time to read my story! Please R&R and enjoy!

Chapter 8

Following a hectic and stressful three days off, Joe found himself alone in his room at Las Vegas' renowned Mirage Hotel and Casino. He'd had a physical fight during his match with Colby earlier at the live house show and only wanted to rest. Throughout the contest, he'd found himself struggling to stay focused, which allowed Colby to pick up the win in front of nearly 3000 fans at the Thomas & Mack Center. If the loss wasn't bad enough, he'd heard through Trinity that Val wouldn't be back on the road until Monday. He still hadn't had a chance to talk to her and wanted so desperately to resolve things between them, but it seemed he'd have to live with his uncertainty a little while longer.

He let out his hundredth sigh for the night and wearily flopped back on his bed. Just as he clicked the television on, his phone's text alert sounded.

Joe opened the text message and wrinkled his brow in confusion.

"Open the door?" he said aloud.

He obliged the request and opened his room's door, certain that his eyes were deceiving him.

"Hey," Val softly greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Joe asked, leaning against the slightly cracked door. "I thought you wouldn't be back until Monday."

"I changed my mind. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course," he said, stepping aside to let her into his room.

Joe and Val stared at each other for several moments before Joe tightly embraced her. Val returned his physical sentiment and rested her head on his chest.

"I'm glad you're here, Val. There's something I need to tell you."

"No, not tonight," she said, shaking her head. "I just want you to hold me. No talking, no fighting, no drama. Just hold me."

"But Val, I-"

"Please, Joe?" she said, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

Give her what she wants, Joe, he said to himself.

"Alright, baby girl. Whatever you want."


When Joe finally aroused from his slumber the next morning, Val was nowhere in sight. He thought he'd dreamed the whole scene from last night, until he checked his cell phone and read the message he'd received from her.

I'm sorry I left. I couldn't bear to be in ur bed or in ur arms knowing that u belong to someone else. My will to deny how I feel about u just isn't that strong anymore.

"That's it," he said, getting out of bed. "This shit ends now."


The loud knock on Val's door startled her from her thoughts of last night. She'd awakened early that morning and texted Joe, hoping that he'd understand why she'd left his room. Judging from the aggression of the knock, she assumed that he was probably her visitor.

"Lord, please deliver me from temptation," she said, before opening the door.

"We need to talk, and I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," Joe said, hastily walking past her into the room.

Val let the door slam shut behind him, noticing the look of tension in his rugged face as he sat on the bed.

"Are you OK, Joe?" she asked, sitting beside him.

"No, I'm not. I wanted to tell you this before we left Cleveland, but I just fucked it all up, 'cause I'm an egotistical dumbass."

"What is it?"

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