Chapter 32

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Back again with another chapter! Hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to check out my other Roman Reigns fanfic "The Canary." Also, if you're a Trey Songz, Chris Brown, or August Alsina fan, check out "Fumble." Anyway, on with the reading!

Chapter 32


A soft knock at Joe's bedroom door awakened Val early the next morning. Val eased out of the bed and quietly crossed the room to open the door for JoJo.

"Good morning, Princess," she greeted, trying to rid herself of sleep.

"Good morning, Val. Is my Daddy awake? I'm really hungry," JoJo said, rubbing circles on her belly.

"No, honey, he's not awake yet, but I can make you breakfast," Val replied, offering her hand to JoJo.

JoJo gave her a smile and grabbed her hand. Val quietly closed the door behind her and led the young girl to the kitchen. After some discussion, they finally decided on pancakes with blueberry topping and whipped cream. As Val prepared breakfast, JoJo sat on the countertop, engaging her in conversation.

"Daddy's gonna be happy when he sees these pancakes," she said.

"You think we should serve him breakfast in bed?" Val asked.

JoJo nodded her head and smiled.

"They look really good," she said, staring down at the pancake griddle. "My mommy likes pancakes. Does your mommy like pancakes?"

"Oh yes!" Val answered, flipping the first batch.

They continued making small talk, until JoJo's attention averted to the kitchen's entrance.

"Good morning, Daddy!"

"What are you girls up to?" Joe asked, walking over to his daughter and kissing the top of her head.

"Well, we were gonna bring you breakfast in bed," Val began to explain as Joe wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her temple.

"Yeah, but you woke up," JoJo finished with some disappointment.

"I appreciate the thought, Jellybean," he said, giving her hair a light ruffle, "but I don't mind eating breakfast with you two beautiful ladies."

"Well, we're just about done, so why don't you and JoJo go wash up, and I'll finish up in here."

"Sure thing, Doll. Let's go, babygirl," Joe said, helping JoJo down from the counter.

Minutes later, the trio was at the table enjoying the breakfast that Val had prepared.

"So, ladies, what's on the schedule for today?" Joe asked, taking a large bite of his pancakes.

"The Good Dinosaur!" JoJo excitedly yelled.

"Is that cool with you, Val?"

"Of course, it is."

"Yay!" JoJo said, hopping down from her seat.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jellybean," Joe said, stopping her in her tracks. "Where are you going so fast?"

"To get ready," JoJo answered.

"Sit," he said, pointing to her chair. "Finish your breakfast, and then we'll get ready, OK?"

"OK," she replied, starting to hurriedly swallow down her food.

"Chew," Joe ordered, narrowing his eyes at her.

JoJo immediately slowed her consumption upon her father's demand. He and Val looked at each other and he shook his head, drawing a soft giggle from Val.

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