Chapter 22

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Chapter 22



"Babe," Joe said, breaking the silence.


"Where'd you go earlier?"

"I, um, I went down to the lobby."

"Any special reason?" he asked, gently caressing her left breast.

"Actually, yeah. Matt texted me earlier, so I, um, I went to talk to him about what happened last night."

"Why?" Joe asked, resuming the task of sprinkling water over her upper body.

"I don't know," she said with a loud sigh. "I felt bad for him. He made an ass out of himself, 'cause he didn't know the truth. But then, Colby made me see things from a different perspective."

"And that is?" Joe asked, kissing her shoulder.

"Basically, that Matt must think I'm some hoe that'll disregard the fact that I have a man, whether he's on the road with me or not."

"I'm gonna go kick his ass," Joe said, starting to stand from the tub.

"Baby no!" Val replied, quickly stopping him by placing her hand on his thigh. "He knows now, and he's been placed with another trainer, so we won't be working together anymore."

Joe immediately relaxed against the back of the tub and pulled Val to her previous position. He was relieved to know that she wouldn't be working with Matt anymore, and that made his whole day better. He was even more relieved that she had told him the truth about her whereabouts earlier, because he already knew.


When Josh and his wife-Kecia- arrived, the men separated off from the women, and the two groups made plans to meet at a nearby restaurant for a late lunch. Joe and the twins were joined by Colby and JG for a gym session, while Trinity, Val, and Kecia shopped for tonight's outing.

Val couldn't help but to think about her conversations with Colby and Joe earlier that morning. In talking with Colby, she realized that her world did seem to revolve around Joe. On the other hand, Joe's world seemed to revolve around having sex with her. Even though the sex was great, it bothered her to an extent that sex appeared to be the focus of their relationship. In addition to that, Joe's questioning about where she was earlier led her to believe that he already had some idea and was just testing her capability to tell the truth. Given what he'd been through with Lina, she wouldn't doubt it.

"Something's not right," she said aloud before she realized it.

"Hunh?" Trinity asked, sifting through a rack of halter tops.

"I need to ask y'all something," Val said, turning to Kecia and Trinity.

"OK," both women replied, giving her their undivided attention.

Val went on to explain the events of last night and this morning in detail, right up to her current feelings of doubt about her relationship with Joe.

"First," Kecia started, "Matt need to fuck off. Second, I've known Joe long enough to know that if he invites you home, there's something there."

"And," Trinity added, "if you think he just wants sex, then stop giving it to him. If he really loves you, then he'll stick around."

"Damn it! I knew I shoulda listened to my sister! She said the same thing."

"I mean, I see how you can fall victim to him," Kecia said with a scoff. "He's fine, but you gotta keep your hormones in check and know your worth. Make him prove that he really loves you and not just your sex game."

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