Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Joe sat in the locker room of the venue in Jacksonville, Florida preparing for his tag team match and mentally kicking himself for what he had done the night before Thanksgiving. For some reason, he flaked out at the last minute. He just wasn't as ready as he thought he was and furthermore, he didn't want to deal with the rejection.


Thanksgiving Eve

"Look, I got somethin' I wanna ask you."


Here goes nothing ...

Joe took a breath before starting.

"I wanted to know if, um ...."

"Val?" he heard through his receiver, interrupting his thought and thankfully giving him time to think of something else to ask her. At the last minute, doubt had stolen his courage.

"Joe, can you gimme a sec? It's my dad."

"Yeah sure." Saved by the bell. Maybe this isn't the best idea.

He heard a short, muffled conversation between the father and daughter and soon heard Val's voice once again on the phone.

"So, what did you have to ask me, Love?"

"Um, I wanted to, um, ask you if you would come home with me for JoJo's birthday. She's really looking forward to finally meeting you, and so is the rest of my family." It's not a total lie, he thought.

"Why not? I'd love to meet your family."

"Great," he said, rolling his eyes and shaking his head with disappointment.

As the couple's conversation progressed, Joe sensed that Val knew he had something more important that he'd intended on asking her. However, he insisted that everything was OK, and much to his relief, she eventually dropped the subject.


Joe shook his head at the outcome of the phone conversation and stood from his chair, coming face to face with JG.

"You OK, man?" JG asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Because I've been standing here for awhile, and you look a little lost."

"It's nothing," Joe said, patting JG on the back. "Just thinking about some things. You ready to dish out this asskicking?"

"Always," JG replied.

"Let's do this," Joe said, giving him a fist bump.


After watching Joe, JG, and the twins defeat the League of Nations by pinfall, Val rushed backstage to find Joe. She had been holding in the news she'd gotten from corporate all day long and couldn't wait to share it with him. When she finally spotted him, he was engaged in a spirited conversation with JG, Josh, and Jon. He pulled her into a one-armed side hug and kissed her temple, continuing his chat. She waited for several moments, nearly brimming over with excitement. Her patience soon ran out, and she let out a noticeably audible sigh.

"Everything OK?" Joe asked, looking down at her.

"I really need to talk to you."

"The pretty girl has spoken," JG said, winking at Val.

"She's pullin' rank on me, so I'll catch y'all tomorrow."

"Do ya thing, uce," Joshua said, giving Joe a fist bump.

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