Chapter 36

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So sorry for the wait, guys. I lost my grandmother and just had to take a bit of a break, but I'm back! Thanks for your patience. Anyway, here's the next chapter! Read, vote, & comment!

Chapter 36

Over the course of the next three months, Joe and Val comfortably settled into a iife of road travel and rare nights at home alone. The decision to move in together had brought them even closer and before too long, Joe was starting to think more and more about the next step in their relationship.

On one of their nights at home, the couple sat in the family room, watching a movie with Joelle. With the knowledge of his impending third title reign coming at Wrestlemania 32 in just under a week and the company of his two favorite girls, the idea of making his relationship with Val permanent was becoming more and more appealing to Joe. He grabbed her left hand and straightened the promise ring on her finger.

"What's on your mind, baby?" Val asked, looking up at him.

"Our future," he simply answered. "I really enjoy times like this with you and Jellybean. Ya know? I don't wanna lose what we have."

"Are you talking marriage?"

"Maybe," he replied, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her back against his chest. "Hypothetically speaking, if I did ask, would you say 'yes?'"

"Hypothetically speaking?" she asked.


"I'd say 'yes' then," Val finally answered.

"OK, OK," he said, nodding. "And what if I asked for real?"

Val turned to meet the gaze of his gray eyes and smiled.

"I'd still say 'yes,' baby."



Nothing further was mentioned about marriage until Joe and Val wished Joelle a "goodnight" and retired to their own bedroom for the night. As Val lay in Joe's arms, Joe lazily stroked her hair. He'd thought about proposing to her on New Year's, but decided that it would be too cliché. Not only was it too cliché, but it was just too far away. Val was special and the moment needed to be special as well-and soon.

"Babygirl, you awake?" he asked, breaking the silence.

Val slightly stirred, but remained asleep. She and Joelle had spent the whole day out together while Joe ran errands that he'd been putting off for two weeks. He knew his girls had run each other ragged. The thought of them enjoying each other's company made him smile. Val was definitely going to be the next Mrs. Anoa'i. It was just a matter of time.


Wrestlemania 32

With Wrestlemania just around the corner from her hometown of Little Rock, Val had been joined by her family in Dallas, Texas, including her mother, father, Lexy, Lexy's husband Tavon, and their son Tavion. Wrestlemania would be the first WWE event that any of her family members had ever attended, and she was as excited as a kid in a candy store about it.

"I'm so glad y'all came!" she said, hugging Cherie. When she got to Lexy, she placed a hand on her sister's growing belly.

"And how's my niece doing?" she asked.

"Raising hell. You know you're next, right?"

"Shh, Joe might hear you. He's been hinting towards a lotta things lately," she said, glancing at Joe as he chatted with Tavon, Tavion, and Vincent a short distance away.

"Like what?" Cherie asked

"A few days ago, he asked me if he hypothetically asked me to marry him, would I say 'yes.'"

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