Chapter 39

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Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! I appreciate all the votes, but I would loooooove to read more comments! Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

Chapter 39


Joe dropped his suitcases on the floor as soon as he walked into his hotel room in Los Angeles. Word of Val's injury had quickly gotten around the roster, leaving him answering a barrage of questions about her condition and return date. It was then that he realized how much of an impact her presence had on the roster and personnel; including a handful of overly-interested women.


Down at the Staples Center, Joe busied himself with taping his wrists as he prepared for his tag team match later that night. At the hotel, he'd checked on Val, who seemed a bit disgruntled by his absence and her mother's presence. She's just lookin' out for you, babygirl, he told her. He shook his head and laughed to himself. Her passion was rivaled only by JoJo's.

"What up, uce?" Josh asked, breaking Joe's concentration.

"What's up?" he replied, looking up and giving Josh and Jon fist bumps.

Jon propped one foot up on a nearby chair and rested his forearm on his knee.

"So, how's cuz doing?" he asked.

"She's mad as hell. Apparently, her mom's already driving her crazy."

"How long is she out for?" Josh asked, wiping sweat from his face with the towel that hung around his neck.

"Looks like about 6-8 weeks."

"Dang. That's bad, uce," Jon said, shaking his head and placing his foot back on the floor. "I heard she fell down the stairs."

"Yeah, she took a pretty nasty tumble."

"Well, make sure you give her my well wishes," Josh said, patting Joe's shoulder.

"I will," Joe said, standing. "I'll catch y'all later."

The trio dispersed and Joe headed to Gorilla. No sooner than he'd arrived, Summer Rae approached him. Aside from their time in FCW, the two hadn't shared much time on-screen together. However, it was common locker room knowledge that she had a thing for the Samoan and Val's absence was right up her alley.

"Hi, Joe," she greeted with a flip of her blond hair.

"Summer," he acknowledged with a simple head nod.

"Sorry to hear about Val. Hope she's better soon."

"Yeah, me too," Joe said.

The metal guitars of "The Truth Reigns" hit and Joe quickly exited to the ramp, leaving Summer behind.


"God couldn't have made a finer specimen," Val said as she watched Joe walk down the ramp to the ring.

"What was that, honey?" Cherie asked, looking up from her newspaper.

"Nothing," Val replied. "You know, people don't read the paper anymore," she said, picking up her cell phone.

Cherie looked over at her and shook her head.

"That's what's wrong with you kids today. Always got a phone stuck to the side of your heads."

At that moment, Cherie's phone rang. Val curiously watched as her mother turned into a hypocritical, love-struck schoolgirl.

"Hey there," Cherie answered, widely smiling. "She's doing OK. Little testy, but OK."

"Who is that, Mom?" Val asked.

Cherie continued talking, ignoring Val's question for several moments until Val slapped her thigh.

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