Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

December 23rd


Val taped down the last box in her apartment, leaving it for her father to load onto the moving truck. Much to her relief, he'd come down from Memphis to help her with the transition down to Florida. In just a few minutes, she would be starting the near fifteen hour drive with him and her mother.

"That's it?" Vincent asked, loading the box onto the truck.

"Yep, that's it. I really appreciate all the help, Vince."

"No problem. We can head out whenever you're ready."

"Alright, let me get Mom, and we can go."

When Val reentered the apartment, she found Cherie in the bathroom, sniffling and wiping her face.

"Mom, are you OK?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, honey. I'm just so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. You've done so well for yourself. You have a great career and even though I haven't met him, Joe seems to be a wonderful man. I know you two love each other very much, and I'm just so happy for you."

"Aw, thank you, Mommy," Val said, hugging Cherie.

"I also wanted to say that I'm glad you're working things out with your father. He really does love you, baby. I'm so sorry for doing things the way I did 'em."

"It's OK, Mom. You had your reasons. It's water under the bridge, and it's a new day."

"Yes it is!" Cherie exclaimed in the spirit of the current WWE Tag Team champions The New Day.

"Oh my gosh, let's get outta here, woman," Val said, pulling her mother from the bathroom.

Just as she was locking up the apartment, she received a call from Joe.

"Hey baby," she answered.

"Hey Doll. You guys on the road yet?"

"Headin' to the truck now. When does your flight leave?"

"Another half hour or so. I can't wait to see you, baby. I missed holding you last night."

"Well, you'll be holding me every night, from now on," Val said, smiling.

"Damn, I can't wait."

"I'll be there soon enough, Daddy."

"Alright, babygirl, see you then. I love you, and be safe."

"I love you too, Joe."

Moments after ending her call, Val, Vincent, and Cherie were on the road heading to Florida.


As Joe waited at his departure gate, his excitement escalated. He'd already gotten confirmation from his mother that she and his sisters had gotten his things moved to the new house and that they had spent the last couple of days unpacking boxes and arranging furniture. They'd even purchased the live Christmas tree like he'd requested. As a matter-of-fact, had it not been for them, he would've never been able to pull off the surprise he had in store for Val.

He sat in thought for a while, imagining the look on Val's face when she would finally arrive to her new home and smiled. It had taken a miracle to keep things hidden from his ever so inquisitive soul mate, but he managed.

"It was worth it," he said to himself.

Moments later, his flight was called to board for the 3-hour trip to Tampa International Airport.

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