Chapter 10

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A/N I have some of the most awesome readers! Thank you all for your input. It helps to get my creative juices flowing! Let's see what's going down with the click now! Please R&R!

Chapter 10
The three and a half hour flight to Fort Wayne, Indiana seemed to last forever for Joe as he watched Val chatting nonstop with Trinity and Renee. After their talk in the conference room, all he'd wanted to do was get her alone. Even through the confusion of his crumbling marriage and impending divorce, he found a ray of sunshine, and that ray was Valkyrie England. He couldn't help but smile when she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and laughed.

"Hey, man. You look like you're lost in love," JG said, then quickly added. "How'd that thing go between you and Lina?"

"Aw, man," Joe said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes, "we mutually decided to end it."

"You serious?"

"Yeah, too much damage has been done," Joe said, imitating the washing of his hands. "I'm on to other prospects now," he added, glancing in Val's direction once again.

"Wait, I thought she was with Colby."

Joe let out a soft scoff. "Not even, bro. They never were a couple. Some shit about fuck buddies."

"So they did fuck?" JG asked.


"I don't get it, man. Val's hot," JG said.

"Yeah, I know. She wants a serious relationship and our friend just wants some stand-by pussy. Val's got her head on straight, and she's saving that ass for someone who deserves it."

"And you think that's you?" JG asked with a smirk.

Joe narrowed his eyes at his friend, but was cut off before he could respond.

"I'm sayin', you're still married. I don't think she's gonna give up the panties to you just because you and Lina separated."

"You really do know how to piss on man's parade, bro," Joe said, nodding his head towards Val and the other two women. "Fuck everything you're talking about. That girl's gonna be mine."

"Good luck, man," JG said, shrugging his shoulders and leaning back in his seat.


As soon as the flight touched down in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the Superstars, Divas, and crew members chartered rental cars to head to a nearby hotel. Before Joe could approach her, Val had been dragged by Trinity to share a rental with her and Jon. From a short distance, she saw Joe hold his thumb and pinky to his ear to imitate a phone call. She acknowledged him with a head nod, before Jon pulled the rental off of the parking lot.

"So, what was that about?" Jon asked, glancing at Val in the rearview mirror.

"Nothing," Val quickly answered.

"Stop lyin'. Uce already told me what went down earlier."

"Well, why did you ask then?"

"Cause he's nosy," Trinity said, shaking her head.

"So, y'all gon' hook up or what?" Jon asked.

Val gave Jon's ponytail a firm tug, eliciting a soft yelp from him.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you had a vagina," she said. Trinity laughed as Val continued.

"Regardless of what's happened in the last few days, Joe is still married, and he ain't gettin' the cookie until he's single again. That's only if I wanna be with him."

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