Chapter 3

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A/N So, what do you guys think of Val so far? Mr. Anoa'i definitely has his eyes on her. Can he resist his desires, and can she resist the smooth talker? Thanks again for the reviews! I hope that you all are thoroughly entertained. Enjoy!

Chapter 3


Joe sat in the locker room, waiting for the call to make his entrance for his first singles' match against Kofi Kingston of the faction The New Day. He didn't know why, or at least he didn't want to admit why he'd been preoccupied with Val's desire to get to know Colby. He wasn't looking forward to the night out after Raw either and hoped that Val would change her mind about joining him and the guys for drinks.

Minutes before he was set to walk through the curtains and make his descent to the squared circle, he received a call from home.


"Hi, Daddy!" JoJo happily said.

"Hey, JoJo! How's daddy's girl doin'?" he asked as he cradled the phone between his shoulder and ear to finish taping his wrist.

"Mommy's letting me watch you, and then I have to go to bed."

"Well, you stay tuned, and I'm gonna get ready, OK Jellybean?"


"Daddy loves you, babygirl."

"I love you too, Daddy."

"I'll call you tomorrow, OK?"


"Put Mommy on the phone real quick," he said, acknowledging with a nod, the stage hand who signaled five minutes before his entrance.

"Hi, Joe."

"Hi, baby. I just wanted to tell you 'I love you.'"

"I love you too."

"I'm gonna be out with the guys tonight, so I'll call you tomorrow."

"Alright, be careful."

"I will, baby," Joe said, standing from the steel chair.

The couple traded "I love yous" once more before Joe ended the call and stuffed the phone in his rolling suitcase. Hearing Lina's voice always calmed his nerves before a match, but tonight, it just didn't do the trick. On top of that, JoJo only made him long to be home. He sighed and headed for his own special Gorilla spot at the top of the club level steps of the Smoothie King Center. He quickly wet his hair and began to get into character once he heard The New Day's music start, signifying the end of Big E. and Titus O'Neil's match. The New Day's ringside celebration was short-lived when "The Truth Reigns" hit.

"It's go time, Joe," he said to himself as he started to walk down the stairs, heavily flanked by security. The lights, music, and intensity of the New Orleans crowd rapidly transformed him into the Powerhouse Roman Reigns, and he focused on the fight ahead of him.

Once Joe made it down to the ring, he spotted Val at ringside. Stay in character, Joe, he coached himself as he climbed through the ropes and took his stance in the corner. He saw her aim the camera as he posed, while several creative thoughts that involved her, a thong, and that same camera ran through his mind.

Damn it! Focus, Joe!

Once he stepped down from the ropes and was no longer facing a television camera, he gave her a quick wink, which she readily gave back.

Don't smile, man! Don't break character!

As soon as the bell rang, the two Superstars locked up, and the match was underway. The action between the Highflyer and the Powerhouse was fast-paced and full of New Day interference. At one point in the match when Kofi was positioned on the apron of the ring, Joe clearly heard New Day member Xavier Woods repeatedly yell "you better not!" Joe internally smiled. Oh, I'm doin' it. He laid an apron dropkick to the side of Kofi's head, launching the opposing wrestler into his New Day stable mates.

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