Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Over the next week, Joe had managed to secure a temporary residence and get his belongings moved out of the house that was once his family home. The moment was bitter because of Joelle, but sweet, because he knew that this was the right move. His relationship had long run its course, and between the infidelity on both his and Lina's parts, it was clear that they were no longer in love with each other.


Finally, the morning of the court hearing had arrived. Joe nervously twiddled his thumbs, hoping that things would be swift and smooth, so he could get the hell out of that building and move on to a new beginning. The black suit he'd chosen to wear perfectly fit the occasion-the burial of an old union.

He stared straight ahead, in the judge's chambers, as the judge swore him and Lina in to begin the hearing proceedings. His attorney had drawn up a revised decree that he and Lina agreed to just days ago, and their divorce was going as planned. He glanced over at the next table at Lina once everyone in the room was seated.

"Docket number P20-15639, in the matter of Anoa'i versus Anoa'i," the judge introduced.

Joe listened quietly as the judge proceeded to lay out the terms of his and Lina's divorce decree, glancing at Lina every so often and praying that she wouldn't try to fight him on the changes they'd previously agreed to.

"At that time," he heard the judge explaining, "the plaintiff will be allowed to restore her name to her maiden name if she so chooses."

After reading the terms of the property settlement agreement, the judge asked one final question.

"And is each party certain that they agree to the terms and want this divorce?"

Joe looked at Lina once more, his heart beating in his throat as he waited for her answer.

"Yes, Your Honor," she finally said.

He felt an immediate wave of relief wash over him as he responded the same to the judge.

"Yes, Your Honor."

"By the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I decree that the plaintiff be granted an absolute divorce from the defendant and that the existing marriage be set aside and considered null and void. It is so ordered."

The judge sealed the divorce and ended the court proceedings with a bang of her gavel. Joe shook his attorney's hand and then turned his attention to his now ex-wife.

"So, that's it," Lina said before he could say anything to her.

"Yep. Thanks for keeping it simple."

"Same to you. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what I did to you."

"Let's not dwell on it," Joe said, holding his hand up to stop her. "I just want us to be civil enough towards each other for JoJo's sake."

"I agree."

The couple stared at each other for a few silent moments, and then Lina spoke.

"Well, I gotta go."


The two hugged and then quickly parted ways from the judge's chambers. As soon as Joe was in his vehicle he let out a loud breath, glad that things had ended amicably between him and Lina. True, she got the house and a nice chunk of monthly child support, but he didn't care. He got his freedom, and now, he was going to get his woman.


Later that day

Val's ringing phone distracted her from an intense game of Madden '15 which she was effortlessly winning against her imaginary opponent on her PS4. The generic ringtone from her phone signified a call from someone from corporate, and as of late, that was never good.

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