Chapter 48

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We're finally here! It's the big wedding day! Read, comment, and vote!

Chapter 48


"I can't believe this is really happening today," Val said as she and Lexy walked out of the salon together.

"I can," Lexy replied. "Even though, I kinda had my doubts about him, I see now that you two were made for each other. I'm so happy for you, sis, and your hair and makeup look fantastic."

"Thanks, Lexy."

"Anything else you need to do before we head back?"

"Nah, I have everything."

"And who's got your marriage license?" Lexy questioned.

"Mom's holding it for me."

"And the rings?"

"Matt," Val answered.

"And who's got your back?" Lexy asked, unlocking the car doors.

Val smiled at her sister.

"You do."

"Always," Lexy said, giving Val a fist bump.

"Let's do this," Val replied, getting into the car.

"Speaking of doing it, did you ever make up your mind about the Plan B?" Lexy said, starting Val's car.

Thankfully, she'd agreed to do the driving for the day.

"I did."


"I took it. I'm gonna play this thing on the safe side for now. At least, until I have no doubts about the whole baby thing. I'm just gonna enjoy life right now as it is."

"Smart girl," Lexy said, patting her thigh. "You're still young. You've got plenty of time."


Back at Joe and Val's home, Joe sat at the bar making last minute adjustments to his wedding vows while the other men were scattered about the home, lounging until it was time to start getting dressed. Joe continued to mull over his vows until JG interrupted him with a firm slap on the back.

"How ya holding up, big man?"

"Aw, man, I'm nervous as hell right now, and I can't get these damn vows right."

"What are you tryin' to spell?" JG asked, holding out a questioning hand.

Joe looked at him and cinched his brow in confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he asked.

"You said you can't get the vowels right. What are you spelling?"

"No," Joe said, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I mean vows, like my wedding vows."

"Oh! Well, hand 'em over," JG ordered with a beckon of his hand.

Joe handed the tablet over to JG. JG plopped down on the stool next to him and began to silently read, nodding his head every few words until he reached the end.

"Pen," he said.

Joe handed him the pen and watched as JG jotted a couple notes onto the paper and handed the tablet and pen back to him.

"Problem solved," JG said, slapping Joe's shoulder.

He stood from his seat and walked off before Joe could read the changes he'd made.

Joe looked at the tablet and laughed, shaking his head.

"This motherfucker."

JG hadn't changed a thing, but added a message at the bottom.

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