Chapter 27

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A/N This chapter takes place on October 26, the night after HIAC. Read and comment!

Chapter 27

Over the next several weeks, Joe and Val grew closer, sharing intimate details with each other through many long conversations. Nights were spent wrapped in each other's arms talking about everything and nothing, and even though it had been weeks since they'd been intimate, the time they spent together was just as valuable to Joe. He'd decided that he'd leave the pace of their relationship strictly up to Val. After learning about her past, the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel like all she was worth was sex-although having her lie next to him night after night was pure torture. He couldn't recall a time when he'd practiced so much restraint with a beautiful woman at his side. He could remember when he had to be very creative in easing the tension that had built up in his pants on several different nights. Thankfully, his cell phone rang and interrupted his thoughts of wanting to make love to her on this particular day.

"Hunter, what's up, man ... Oh yeah ... hell yeah. Alright, thanks man."

He disconnected the call with a grin fixed on his face. He pulled Val up from the bed and placed a deep kiss on her lips.

"So guess what that was about," he said after breaking the lip lock.

"Must be some damn good news," Val replied, using her thumb to wipe away her lipstick from Joe's lips.

"I'm set to take the title at Survivor Series."

"Really?! That's great babe!" she said, hugging him. "It's about time they put you back in the title picture. You've worked your ass off this year."

"Yeah, I have. I'm excited about this, baby. I've been waiting a long time to get that gold."

Val pulled his arms around her waist and looked up at him.

"I thought you already had gold."

"No, you're more like platinum and diamonds," he said, kissing her and smacking her backside. "I'm gonna hit the shower. I'll be out in a sec."

"Alright," Val replied, grabbing her cell phone and flopping down on the bed. Once Joe disappeared into the bathroom, she called Lexy.

"Hey, what's up lil' sis?" Lexy answered.

"Nothing much. Taking a little down time before Raw tonight."

"Oh yeah, after that match with Wyatt last night, I don't know how Joe's standing. How are things with you and him anyway?"

"They're great. We've really gotten to know each other over the last two months. It's-it's incredible."

"Still no sex?" Lexy asked.

Val sighed and replied, "not yet, but I'm getting real antsy, Lex. I just wanna give myself to that man so bad. I feel a real connection with him this time around-something way deeper than what we had before. Ya know? I don't know how to explain it. I just wanna give him everything, and I'm not afraid to do it. I mean, I feel like I can trust him with my heart now."

"Ooh, sounds like someone's in love for real this time."

"Don't say that, Lexy. I don't wanna get my hopes up too soon. He's-"

"In love with you too," Lexy interrupted.

"How do you know?"

"I have my sources."

"Who?" Val asked.

"Baby girl, can you come in here for a sec," Val heard Joe yell from the bathroom.

"Damn! Lex, I gotta go. I'll call you back later."

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