Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Val was thankful that the company had chartered flights to Minneapolis for tonight's Slammy Awards, leaving her with one less thing to worry about. She'd been so consumed by her decision to make her living arrangement with Joe permanent that she hadn't even thought about booking a flight to the next venue. After settling in her seat, she let the stress of the last few days wash away. On a lighter note, she'd heard that Colby would be making an appearance at tonight's show and could hardly contain her excitement. Since his injury, she'd missed having him on the road to talk to and couldn't wait to see him.

"Jeez, Val, why are you so fidgety?" Joe asked, slightly irritated by her incessant moving.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just a little amped up about tonight. It's my first Slammy show."

"Well, can you tone it down just a bit?" he asked, looking at her. "I'm tryin' to figure out how I'm gonna work making love to you into my schedule today."

"I'm sorry," she apologized again, leaning back in her seat. "How's it working out for you?"

"It's not so far. I'm pretty much booked all day."

"So am I. Is it really true that Colby's flying in for the show tonight?" she asked.

"Yeah, he'll be there."


She was quiet for a few moments before speaking again.

"So, what's your plan for the move?"

"Well," he started with a light sigh, "my sisters are packing things up for me. I'm going down to Tampa this week. I think I've found the house I wanna buy, but I need to make sure it's really the one."

"Oh," she said with a hint of disappointment. "You didn't tell me."

"Well, that's because nothing's final, Doll."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you found something you like."

"Thanks, baby," he said, leaning over and pecking her lips.


The short trip ended as soon as it began, and the charter flight landed in Minneapolis. After check-in, both Joe and Val were caught in a whirlwind of promos and interviews until just two hours before the Raw show. Even though Joe wasn't booked for a match tonight, he had a short promo with Stephanie that would open Raw. Afterwards, he'd watch the remainder of the show backstage.

During the flight when Val had asked about the home he'd found, he hadn't been completely honest with her, because he didn't want to make her feel as if her opinion wasn't important to him. He'd made a decision long ago about the house he wanted to buy and would be making phone calls after his appearance tonight to finalize the purchase.


When Joe and Val made it to the venue, Joe was approached by Stephanie to go over their promo. While he ran the script with her, Val went in search of Colby. Judging from the small crowd that had gathered just around the corner from catering, she assumed that he wasn't too far away.

"So, how's the recovery goin' brotha?" she heard JG ask.

"Slow, but steady. It feels good to be back for tonight. You know I'm a shoe-in for 'Superstar of the Year', right?" Colby teased, elbowing JG's side.

"Not if I have anything to do with it," JG shot back.

Val saw Colby's eyes light up when he finally spotted her.

"Well, well, well, if ain't Lois Lane," he said, standing with the assistance of his crutches.

"Mr. Lopez, you're lookin' dapper," she said, cuddling under his outstretched arm for a hug.

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