Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Joe brushed his hair away from his face and rolled over to spoon Val's body. He watched her peacefully sleep for a few moments and smiled. She was an incredibly beautiful and loving woman, and her sex game was off the charts. She was perfect for him. He just hoped that he was good enough for her.

He watched her sleep a short while longer until he heard a soft knock. Joe quietly eased out of bed and slipped on his discarded basketball shorts from last night. When he opened the door, he found his cousin Jon grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Long night?" Jon asked.

"Somethin' like that," he answered, giving his cousin a fist bump. "What the hell are you doin' here so early?"

Jon looked at his wristwatch and frowned.

"It's almost eleven, man. Is the naughty assistant still here?"

"The naughty assist-aw shit," Joe said, rolling his eyes and interrupting his own thought. "You heard that?"

Jon laughed as his cousin's face turned beet red with embarrassment, then replied, "Yeah, man, and from the sound of it, it sounds like you taught her a damn good lesson."

"Joe?" he heard Val call from inside the room.

"Aw shit, she's up. Look, don't say anything about this. She's gonna kill me, if anyone else finds out about us right now."

"Don't even sweat it. I gotcha, uce."

"Joe?" Val called out again.

"Yeah, babe, gimme just a second, alright?" he called back into the room.

"You gotta gimme the details on how that shit went down."

"Yeah, just ... yeah, don't tell anyone, man."

"I told you, I gotcha," Jon said, giving Joe a fist bump. "Get dressed. Me and Trin about to catch lunch."

"Alright," Joe said, nodding his head.

After the two cousins scheduled a lobby meeting time for noon, Joe dismissed Jon with a third and final warning. He watched Val as she sat up on the edge of the bed, yawning and stretching her arms up to the ceiling.

"Damn, your titties look good right now," he said, standing in front of her.

His blunt comment brought forth a soft giggle from her as she shook her head.

"You're crazy. Who was that at the door?" she asked, standing and walking to the bathroom.

"Jon. He and Trin just got in. They're heading out for lunch in about an hour. You wanna go?" he asked, walking into the bathroom and starting the shower.

"Jon? Oh God. Does he know I was here?"

"Yeah, he does," Joe answered.

"Oh God!"

"Calm down, Val," Joe said, facing her and resting his hands on her arms. "He's not gonna say anything."

"You know that man can't keep a secret, Joe!"

"Baby, trust me, alright? Everything's good. Now, get in the shower, so we can get some food."

"Alright," Val reluctantly agreed, shaking her head.


After a quick shower and trip to Val's room, the couple met Trinity and Jon in the lobby as scheduled. When Val locked eyes with Jon, her discomfort level shot through the roof.

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