Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Over the next two days, Joe's mood around the locker room had rubbed just about everyone the wrong way, including JG and Colby. Most of all, he had completely alienated Val. He still felt that overwhelming guilt from the tongue-lashing he'd given her in Cleveland and hadn't gotten a chance to apologize to her. With all of the drama going on at work, he wasn't looking forward to the inevitable confrontation with Lina that was just hours away.

Joe's thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on his hotel room's door.

"Come on, big man. I know you're in there," he heard JG announce.

Joe slowly crossed the room and opened the door, allowing his friend to enter.

"What's up?" Joe said, giving JG a fist bump.

"That's my question. What the hell's been up with you? You've been a total ass lately."

"Nothin' man," Joe answered, hoping that JG would drop the subject. He wasn't ready to tell him or anyone else about Lina.

"That's bullshit. What'd you do to Val? She hasn't been the same since we left Cleveland and neither have you."

Joe blankly stared at JG, suddenly losing himself in his thoughts. He'd heard her crying that day and thought she was being a bit dramatic. When he thought about what he'd said to her, he knew he'd been the total ass that JG had just described him as.

"Holy shit," JG said, snapping Joe out of his thoughts again.

"What?" Joe asked.

"You and Val bumped uglies," JG replied with a smirk. "Dude, you gotta gimme the details, man!" he said excitedly, backhanding Joe in the chest.

"Bumped uglies?" Joe repeated, creasing his brow in irritation. "What are you, high school? We didn't fuck."

Joe sat on his bed to finish packing his suitcase, quickly becoming annoyed by JG's relentless persistence.

"Well, what the hell's got your panties in a bunch?" JG asked, sitting in the chair across from Joe.

Joe let out a loud breath and threw his clothing aside.

"Lina's cheating on me, alright? There, I said it."

JG bucked his eyes in surprise and shook his head.

"No way, man. Lina's not like that. Anyway, how do you know that?"

"I have a credible source," Joe said, standing and walking to the bathroom to collect his toiletries.

"Your source is an asshole," JG assessed.

Joe joined him again and threw an icy glare at him.

"That asshole is my daughter," he replied before dropping the toiletries on the bed. "I haven't slept with another woman in over three years, but I'm warmed up to the idea now."

"It's not like you haven't tried though."

"Hey," Joe said, quickly cutting JG off, "shut up, alright?"

"Hey," JG relented, throwing his hands in the air, "no offense, brotha, but the only reason you haven't slept with Val is because she won't let you."

"The point is I haven't. Lina's spreading her legs for some fucker named 'Andre,' while I'm out here trying to give her a comfortable life, and on top of that she's got my daughter involved."

"Well, have you talked to her?"

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm done with it. Now, get out."

"Alright," JG said, walking to the door, then turning to face Joe, "Do me a favor though. Make sure you have your facts straight before you go throwing your family away."

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