Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


The look on Summer's face was one of slight embarrassment when Joe entered the venue for tonight's show with Val at his side. He watched as the two women locked gazes.

"Bitch," Val mumbled just loud enough for Joe to hear.

"Val," he warned just as Summer looked away, "I can't keep my eye on you all night, so be good, alright?"

"I'm cool," she replied, rolling her eyes and sitting in one of the steel chairs he'd unfolded for her.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Val and Joe heard from behind them. "He just couldn't make it without you, hunh?" JG said, walking up to Val and lightly pinching her side.

"What's up, Lunatic? Miss me?"

"Always, Dollface. How long you here for?"

"Not sure. That's up to Big Daddy," Val said, looking up at Joe.

"Just a week or so," Joe answered, earning a frown from Val.

"A week? You're kidding, right?" she protested.

"No, and it's not up for discussion."

"Aw, come on, Joe!"

"Yeah," JG started, "Come on, Joe."

"No," Joe said again, throwing a glare at JG, "and stop encouraging her."

JG leaned over and whispered in Val's ear.

"He's not very nice, is he?"

"No, he's not," Val agreed, quickly flicking her tongue out at Joe.

"Careful, or I'll make you put that thing to work," he said with a smirk.

"And on that note, Uncle Deano's gonna go warm up. Good to see ya, Val," JG said, walking off and throwing over his shoulder, "adios, amigos!"

"See ya!" Val called out, then turned to Joe once more. "A week, seriously?"

Joe shrugged his shoulders.

"You need to rest."

Val sighed and rolled her eyes again.

"I guess," she relented with disappointment.

"Look, I gotta get down to the trainer. Trin's gonna keep you company. Val, stay outta trouble, alright?" he said, raising his brows at her.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna say a word to your little tramp."

"Hey," he said, pointing at her. "Watch it. I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too," she replied as he kissed her "goodbye."


As Val waited for Trin, she spotted Summer once more. A groan built low in her throat when the woman boldly approached her. Keep cool, Val, she repeated to herself.

"Val, it's good to see you back. Are you back?"

"Not yet."

"Oh. Well, I just wanted to say 'sorry' for this morning. I wasn't trying to break up your and Joe's party. I didn't know you were here."

"Regardless of that, Summer, you have no reason to be knocking on my fiancé's door. Got it?"

"I didn't mean anything by it," Summer unconvincingly replied. "Besides, he's head over heels for you. Everyone knows that."

"Except for you."

"Val, I know-"

"Look, my fiancé's co-worker," Val sternly interrupted through clenched teeth, "steer clear. I'm nice, but I'm very territorial."

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