Chapter 28

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A/N I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! This chapter takes place on November 2. The next chapter will have a time jump, maybe to the day before Thanksgiving. As always, vote and comment! Thanks and enjoy!

Chapter 28

Joe and Val arrived to their hotel in Denver, Colorado shortly after two in the morning. Nearly a year into her employment, Val still wasn't accustomed to the weird travel hours of her demanding job. As she and Joe stood at the counter waiting for the clerk, she thought about taking a dive in the king-sized bed that awaited her upstairs in their suite. After receiving card keys, Joe sent her ahead to the room while he stayed behind to sign autographs for a couple of fans that had gathered in the lobby.

As she walked up to their room, she thought hard about what Joe had planned for her birthday. She had no idea how special it could be considering that they both had to work Raw tomorrow. Shrugging off her thoughts, she entered the hotel suite. She took a few moments to marvel at the beauty of the room Joe had chosen for their stay, quickly noticing the hot tub that sat in one corner of the room near the bed.

"Wow, he went all out this time," she said, dropping her carry-on on the bed and fishing through it for a nightgown. No sooner than she had changed clothes and laid her head on the plush pillow, Joe barged through the door.

"You in bed, Doll?"

"Yeah, I'm really tired," she answered through a yawn.

Joe walked over to the bed and sat next to her, immediately slipping off his tennis shoes.

"So, am I. Close those pretty eyes and get some rest. We got a big day ahead of us, birthday girl," he said, kissing her forehead.

She nodded and within minutes, had fallen asleep.


The next morning, the smell of gardenias pleasantly tickled Val's nostrils, rousing her from her sleep. She sat up in bed, feeling a small sting of disappointment when she noticed Joe's side of the bed empty. Her disappointment was short-lived when she spotted a bouquet of gardenias on the nightstand, flanked by a flat jewelry box marked "Tiffany's."

"Oh, no he didn't," she exclaimed, picking the box up from the table. Inside the box was a note and a platinum and diamond heart-shaped skeleton key on a platinum chain. She admired the pendant for several moments before placing it back in the box and picking up the note that came with it.

Hey Doll,

Now that you have the key to my heart, it's time to get dressed. I left something for you in the closet for the occasion. When you're ready, text me and I'll send someone for you.

Big Daddy

Val smiled widely and bounced out of the bed. She peeked into the closet and spotted a garment bag hanging inside. She unzipped the bag, revealing a mint green, form-fitting, floor-length gown.

"This man knows me so well," she said, zipping the bag back up. She looked down and quickly spotted a pair of strappy silver stilettos.

"Yep, he knows me," she reaffirmed, walking to the bathroom to get ready.


A little over two hours later, Val had gotten dressed and was walking down the hall to the elevator, when she heard Josh call her name.

"Val, wait up!"

"Hey Josh. Good to have you back," she said, hugging him.

"Good to be back. Where ya headed?" he asked, matching her stride.

"Your cousin's got something planned for me. What? I don't know, but I'm diggin' this dress."

"Yeah, you lookin' pretty fly. Is he meeting you downstairs?"

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