Chapter 11

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A/N Well, here we are! Did Val stick to her word or did she give in to the sexy Samoan Superman? Read to find out! Oh yeah, I'm gonna start trying to update every Monday. If Vince can put on a live show every Monday, then I should be able to write a chapter every Monday. Lol Anyway, please R&R! XOXOXO

Chapter 11


Joe had mixed feelings about going home to Pensacola for the vacation he'd scheduled just before hitting the road to Indianapolis. He was excited about seeing his daughter and spending time with her, but being in the same house with Lina for ten days was beginning to sound less and less appealing. He'd spoken with her earlier and the couple had agreed, for the sake of Joelle, to share occupancy for the duration of his visit. However, with the events over the last few days, he was leaning towards a stay at his cousin Joshua's house.

On a high note, he and Val had gotten closer than he'd ever expected last night in Fort Wayne. He leaned back in the passenger seat of Colby's rental and closed his eyes. A wide smile spread across his face when he began to replay the events of the previous night in his head.


"It's about time I get what I want," Val declared, grabbing Joe by the shirt and pulling him into her hotel room.

For the past several months he'd relentlessly pursued Val, and every time, she would remind him over and over again that he was married. Now, it seemed like that didn't matter to her anymore. He concluded that he had to be dreaming. When the door slammed shut behind him, reality was staring him right in the face.

"Are you trying to tease me?" he asked with uncertainty, resting his hands on her hips.

"No," Val answered, draping her arms around his neck, "I wanna please you."

"Mmm, and how do you plan on doing that?" he asked, pulling her closer to him. By now, his heart was pounding uncontrollably with excitement, and his flesh was rapidly responding to the soft caress of her hand at the nape of his neck.

Val pulled Joe's face toward hers and began to kiss him with urgency. Following her lead, he removed the robe and chemise from her shoulders and allowed the garments to slip to the floor in a satin pool around her stiletto-clad feet.

"Damn," he exclaimed in satisfaction.

Her body was everything he hoped it would be. Curvy, perfect, and all his.

"You think you can handle me, babygirl?" he asked, dotting kisses around the pulse spot of her neck as she unbuttoned his shirt.

"Six months? I can. I will. Believe that," Val confidently replied in his ear.

A soft smirk escaped his lips before he lifted her from the floor and carried her to the bed.

"I don't think you really know what you're getting into, doll," he warned before he laid her on the bed.

"Show me."

Joe undressed himself in record time and watched Val's eyes light up when he slipped his jeans from his hips.


"Wait 'til it's inside you," he said, climbing into the bed and settling himself between her long legs.

Joe placed several kisses around her navel, and then took one of her feet in his hand. Starting at her ankle, he began to plant kiss after kiss, gradually moving up to her inner thigh. He moved to her other leg and repeated the same agonizingly pleasurable torture, until he could feel the heat radiating from her core against his face.

"Mmm, now ... please," Val moaned softly as he kissed a path from her navel to the valley of her breasts.

"Not yet. I'm still exploring," he said, his focus trained on turning each of her nipples into rigid peaks with his tongue. He groaned low in his throat when she arched her back in pleasure, begging him once again as she locked her legs around his waist.

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